23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

What is this?

The news archive contains a list of every single article published on The Yorker in chronological order.


Kirsty Denison
Kirsty Denison
Arts Writer
Kirsty joined the team in 2008 within the Arts section before being elected Culture Editor. She became Arts Editor in May 2008. She is involved in many other arts-based projects on campus, including Art displays and media.
Course Course: Literature and Linguistics


Viewing 41 - 50 of 64 articles
Book Review

A Poet for the Masses: Carol Ann Duffy

Arts - Art and Literature
Wed, 12th March 2008

Carol Ann Duffy speaks in York.

Who do you think YOU are?

Kirsty Denison brings up questions on how we view ourselves: are we accurate or just plain wrong?

A threesome with chemistry

Student Drama: The Balcony week 9

Arts - Performing Arts
Sat, 8th March 2008

We send Kirsty Denison to see the last production in the Drama Barn this term: The Balcony.

Sexing the Cherry

Great Reads: Jeanette Winterson's Sexing the Cherry

Arts - Art and Literature
Sat, 8th March 2008

Melissa Clissold reviews Jeanette Winterson's Sexing the Cherry: a book of love, loss, dancing princesses and grotesque protagonists.

Anna Rohde

Written by Mary Luckhurst, head of Modern Drama at our very own university, Celebrity tackles many differing yet associated facets of a society hungry for sex, money and power.


Eating my words: Fusion in Motion 2008

Arts - Art and Literature
Sat, 1st March 2008

We send Kirsty Denison to the biggest indoor charity event on York University's 2008 calendar: Fusion in Motion.


1984 at York Theatre Royal

Arts - Performing Arts
Sat, 1st March 2008

We send Kirsty Denison to York Youth Theatre's production of 1984 at York Theatre Royal.

Shocked by the north-south divide

What is it about the north-south divide?

Blogs - World Blog
Fri, 29th February 2008

Kirsty Denison flippantly ponders the question: what is it about the north-south divide?

Habeas Corpus

We send Clare Gribble and Kirsty Denison to this week's Drama Barn production: Habeas Corpus.

Election Logo

Clueless about YUSU? So am I

Thu, 28th February 2008

We sent a self-confessed clueless-about-student-politics Kirsty Denison to review Tuesday night's first round of hustings.

Viewing 41 - 50 of 64 articles