23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

What is this?

The news archive contains a list of every single article published on The Yorker in chronological order.


Moran Sheleg
Moran Sheleg
Lifestyle Columnist
Moran writes the weekly Mis-quit column where she drops something from her life for the week. She joined the team in January 2008.


Viewing 21 - 30 of 35 articles
sleep deprivation

No rest for the stupid

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Fri, 13th June 2008

Miss Quit begins the week bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but will she end it feeling foxy or as if she's going to the dogs? Only time (and lots of coffee) will tell...

decision making

Decisions, decisions!

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 7th June 2008

This week Miss Quit has a problem, but she can’t quite decide what it is…and therein lies the quit.


Jean Genie

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 31st May 2008

Miss Quit says farewell to flares, skinnies and bootcuts, in an attempt to stand out from the crowd by ditching her denims. How long will she last? Only Levi’s knows…

don't say no

Just Say Yes

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 3rd May 2008

Enjoying newfound freedom after her sudden release from the shackles of revision, Miss Quit receives many offers she can’t refuse…

old nokia mobile phone


Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 26th April 2008

Miss Quit gives up her mobile phone - or a least she tries her best to.


Have I got news for you?

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 8th March 2008

Miss Quit decides to bury her head in the proverbial sand and avoid any kind of news from infiltrating her conciousness.


Quit got your tongue?

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 1st March 2008

By clearing her mind for academic pursuits, Miss Quit creates a void so large only one thing can fill it: a large serving of fresh, hot gossip. Can she resist the lure of idle talk?

Smiley Face

Little Miss Pessimist? I don't think so...

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 23rd February 2008

‘The optimist thinks that this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true’ – Miss Quit finds being the only optimist in the village something to smile (and dance) about.


The (not so) early bird...

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 16th February 2008

A week of rising with the sun leaves Miss Quit more productive, but severely craving her beauty sleep…

Rubber Gloves

Mess is more

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 9th February 2008

Tired of living knee-deep in all her clutter, Miss Quit attempts to clear her mind and soul by way of her domain. Failing that, at least her room will be tidier…

Viewing 21 - 30 of 35 articles