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The Muckraker: Stressed? Get a grip

Adam says Relax
Adam says: get back to work
Wednesday, 18th June 2008
York University’s Most Hated Man is back, and he’s angrier than ever.

Feeling stressed? Is the exam season starting to grind? Worried that your hopes and dreams could come crashing down around you? Well, you could attend the university counselling service, talk to your supervisor, or perhaps seek an extension.

Or, you could just get a grip.

Maybe I’m being a bit rude. I mean, I can only imagine the pain for people having to juggle those five contact hours a week. And with only two months to write that 3000 word essay, well, it’s no wonder people find that they can’t cope. And you know why they all get so stressed, why it all gets too much? Because if you fail, you will have to contend with facing an unmistakably awful fate. Something so bad, so brutal and so horrific that it strikes fear in the hearts of everyone that dare utter the word. Its name….the 2:2.

Students that graduate with the grade-that-shan’t-be-named face the prospect of having to earn a mere £20k a year. Which, let’s be honest, is practically living on the breadline. With that kind of money you’ll struggle to pay for your Sky subscription and some new games for your Wii. And that’s not to mention the shame and embarrassment that comes along with it. Hell, you can’t help but feel that those underachievers should be castrated, so they can’t breed any more stupid people.

Well I’m thoroughly sick and tired of listening to people moan about how stressed they are. You just wonder how they’re going to handle the real world. Hell, 60 years ago they sent kids our age to war to kill the Germans. You certainly didn’t see anyone get out of it because they were stressed, did you?

You can image the scenario. There they are, on the front line, faced with the prospects of putting their lives on the line for the future of the country. When one lad walks over to the officer and goes:

“Um, Captain, I’ve got a problem. Y’see, I’m not really up for going over the trenches to my certain death. I’m feeling a bit down lately and a bit depressed. And to be honest I didn’t really sleep well at all last night. You don’t think I could have an extension and do it next week, could you?”

“Ah, well no worries private, If your feeling low that’s no problem. We’ll tell the 2000 infantry, tanks and the RAF to wait a bit longer. I’m sure the Germans will understand, they’re pretty reasonable chaps really.”

The point is that we’ve got it easy. We get to sit around all day doing a few hours of work a week, and then only really have to knuckle down for exams, which at most happens once a term. Oh and the government gives us a load of money which we won’t have to pay back for another ten years. And seeing as I’ll never reach 30 (it’s a lifetime away), that’s not a problem.

The worst that could happen is that I’ll end up with a 2:2. And while a friend of mine tells me that this will involve ending up on the “scrapheap of life” – I’m sure I’ll be OK.

So, if there is one thing I’m trying to say in this column, it’s this:

Stop whinging, and get back to work.

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#1 Richard Mitchell
Wed, 18th Jun 2008 3:15am
  • Wed, 18th Jun 2008 12:39pm - Edited by the author

A possibly valid point in the majority of cases, though argued very badly. We don't get shot for desertion if we drop out or get any less than a 2:1, only metaphorically by those with expectations of us.

Your ability to invoke patriotic bullshit in support of the argument does seem promising for your future career with the red tops (no sarcasm intended).

#2 Anonymous
Wed, 18th Jun 2008 6:57pm

I do see where you're coming from Adam but you're not taking into account of the fact that people have other things happening in their lives other than their degree. Getting a 2:2 is not the end of the world and people who end up with one usually have been busy taking advantage of what University has to offer in terms of other things that they want to do as a career. Saying you're 'sick and tired of listening to people moan about how stressed they are' is unfair as I'm sure there's been umpteen times in your life when you have (i.e. hairloss ring a bell?). A silly article I'm sorry! There's a lot more to take into account. People have targets they want to achieve and if its a 2:1 or a first then people should respect that.

#3 Anonymous
Wed, 18th Jun 2008 7:00pm

You kind of got the wars muddled up...

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