That Girl from Derwent dwells on the value of religion this Christmas.
That Girl from Derwent has learned a few more things about prejudice since moving up North.
That Girl From Derwent reckons if you're going to be offensive, you should find a better reason.
That Girl from Derwent considers why it is that some words have wider implications than others.
So if you haven't yet cast your vote, pay attention, then click HERE to make your decision final.
I get frustrated when I look at this university and see the unfulfilled potential all around me. We are a great university but could be doing an awful lot better and my reason for running is because I genuinely believe I can make a difference; a breath of fresh air, offering the change that this campus needs and deserves.
I want to personalise YUSU; make it part of the people it represents and I think the key to this is a visible and approachable figure-head. If elected, I will hold weekly surgeries in The Courtyard and campus bars as well as attend a college JCRC meeting for each college once a term, listening and relating concerns, first hand. I won't be using the media-charter to protect me either if I make a mistake! It should be there to hold people like me to account.
Societies funding and improving campus services are two of my central policy ideas and I wish to emphasise them. My involvement in UYBC has put me at the front line of the effects of societal budget cuts. I want to ensure that each society has the minimum it needs to survive at base level through a radical redistribution of funds.
I have the drive for this job and can't wait to get these ideas working in practice.
I also think services currently available do not offer a decent enough service. The careers department, for a worldwide 'top-75' institution is frankly disgraceful and wish to address that by using YUSU to build up contacts with major graduate recruiting firms. Other services could be made more viable and attractive just by improved communication between YUSU and the students who use them!
I am a huge fan of York's college system. For me, it is what attracted me to York; the rivalry, affiliation and cooperation in sports days, socials and general conversation are something that should be preserved. College bars are central to college spirit and I will work to ensure The Courtyard and Hes. East. does not undermine the thriving college bars that remain. However I think college spirit is about more than just drinking, which is I propose an 'annual college day' where each college would host a 'fete-like' event, all on the same day of games, stalls and fun for all, with YUSU and JCRC's working together, not against each other.
I have the drive for this job and can't wait to get these ideas working in practise. Vote Charles Bushby for YUSU President!!!
When I decided to run little over three weeks ago, I knew I’d come up against a lot of negativity. Setting myself up as an outsider to YUSU was never going to be easy, especially since my experience in the field could never be defined as ‘extensive’. However, anyone who has spoken to me during my campaign will inform you how dedicated I am to doing the best for us, all of us.
A large amount of my time recently has been focused around answering the same question. ‘How are you qualified to do the job?’ Being a second year management student has given me a strong basis for this job, because, as much as some people would hate to admit it, it is a managerial position. But a lot of what I’ve done so far has been taking the focus off me and trying to get people to feel a part of YUSU. Through my website, YouTube videos and campus visits I’ve spoken out to the masses and asked the question no other candidate has, ‘what do YOU want?'
The future of YUSU is in your hands just as much as it is mine.
My current job seems to be me interacting with and teaching people from all walks of life and I’d like to think my genuine warmth and charm are what makes me who I am. Whilst I might not have the firm grounding in YUSU my competitors do, I am committed to doing the best that any person can in the role. And that’s what this campaign is really about, trying to show that anyone has the opportunity to stand up and be counted, run for office and maybe even win.
So what happens if I do? Well as I’ve said many times, the aim is to get as many of us engaged with the day to day running of YUSU as possible, giving us the power to quickly express our opinions on what really matters to us. My current policies focus on accommodation, bars and Heslington East, but with such a commitment to making every voice heard, you can be sure that once elected, the future of YUSU is in your hands just as much as it is mine.
A fair amount of time has been spent in this election discussing what the job of a YUSU President is. Some candidates believe it is to ‘personalise’ the University experience for all students or to provide the creative/entrepreneurial drive to the Union. All of these are noble endeavours but they are not what the position is about. Being President is about representing students to the University and beyond. I, above all other candidates, have done this and done it well. I have sat in meetings and committees with senior university staff, fought the student corner and won. If that is all your President does in their time in office, they have done a good job. It may sound dull and not as glamorous a job as someone with the title ‘President’ deserves, but it is the truth. If you don’t believe me, just ask the last four YUSU Presidents – I did.
Granted, all YUSU Officers (including the President) have a responsibility to improve and increase student engagement with the Union. I think YUSU needs to think of new ways to communicate with students. The days of flyers and posters are over. Podcasts, video blogs and interactive websites are just some of the methods I believe YUSU should utilise to ensure students know (and hopefully appreciate) what it is doing on their behalf. Increased awareness will lead to increased engagement. for the candidate you trust to make sure your voice is heard by this University and beyond.
The next year is a crucially important year for the University and its students. You need to be safe in the knowledge that your primary representative a) knows the issues that will shape the year and b) has the experience to turn that knowledge into success for the students. Heslington East is definitely one of the biggest issues on your next President’s in-tray. I have spoken to members of Goodricke College, including their Chair, and the two main concerns are a lack of transport between Heslington East & West and a lack of facilities for ‘new Goodricke’. If the University and companies like ‘First’ wont provide the services they should, I will ensure YUSU does.
Most of you will have cast your vote by now but to those of you who haven’t, I have this message for you: Look at what the President really does, look at the experience that the candidates have in these areas and vote for the candidate you trust to make sure your voice is heard by this University and beyond.
My policies revolve around three core areas: Student life, the university and lastly the union.
With regards to student life, I'd like to make sure that interaction between students and the unions is increased through informal methods to compliment the formal methods that already exists. This will enable us to canvas more on student experience and will increase the profile of officers so the student body has a greater awareness of our roles and what we do. Workshops and sports are two more policies on the student experience area that i would like to focus on in order to bring a more rounded and whole student experience, but also to ensure that the student body gets the most out of University life.
I'm bringing my thoughts and skills with me to have a positive effect on the union that represents 12000 students.
The university, the second area, is where, as president, I would ensure that we lobby and campaign for better resource provision within the library as well broadening the range of graduate recruiters on campus as well as ensuring that Heslington East and West are careful thought through, and temporary relocations issues are dealt with in a manner that is fit for student life.
Lastly, within the Union, I would like to improve aspects of communication such as the website and the presidential zone which would see information being easier to access or make the union more approachable. Greater financial independence of JCRC societies and sports through ventures in the courtyard but also greater admin support from YUSU will enable us to free up funds to invest in more ventures in the future but also support new and failing affiliates/ventures.
As an individual, I think I bring the greatest range of skill sets to the Union. My experience is developed both in a student setting but also an entrepreneurial and extra circular one. I'm not just coming and thinking from outside of the box; I'm bringing my thoughts and skills with me to have a positive effect on The Union that represents 12000 students from different countries, disciplines, sporting backgrounds interests and last but most importantly academic achievements.
It's a shame that only Bradley and Langrish took the time to write something specific rather than reel off the same old spiel...
... not that it makes much difference at this point anyway, but it does demonstrate dedication.
Ah well, it's nice to hear everyone's views one last time...
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