Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's a. . . berry

Monday, 11th June 2007
As we draw to the end of the academic year (week 8 already, I know, its terrifying), I'm sure many of you are feeling the effects your beloved student lifestyle brings. A lot of alcohol and perhaps a few too many takeaways have clogged up your system, leaving you drained of energy and desperate for some much needed vitamins. In an attempt to rectify this, this week I bring you the world of Superfoods …
The current celebrity of the nutritional world is undoubtedly the blueberry. It boasts more vitamin C than several oranges, and just one serving provides as many antioxidants as five servings of carrots, apples and broccoli, attributing the berry with considerable health benefits and anti-aging properties. The tiny powerhouses of health also contain fibre, folic acid and vitamin E. As well as being more successful at lowering cholesterol than some drugs. This delectable little berry has soared in sales across the UK with consumers rushing to devour the new superstar.
The popularity and adoration of the fruit has perhaps overshadowed the other foods that have been given the grand title of Super. So in attempt to grant the other Superfoods their shot at stardom here is a selection of other foods that can change your health dramatically.
- Broccoli: Considered to be the ultimate Superfood. The 'green goodness' contains many health boosting substances including cysteine, which detoxifies chemicals in your body, easing cold and flu symptoms and dietary fibre, which helps with constipation and blood sugar levels. Also smokers and regular drinkers can defend their cells against free-radicals with its lutein and zeaxanthin and the vitamin C it contains lowers the risk of cancer.
- Apples: For years we’ve been led to believe that ‘one a day keeps the doctor away’, but now the proof has come that apples really do improve your health considerably as they are packed with phyto-nutrients, including tons of anti-oxidants and fibre.
- Avocados: Have the same thing going for them that olive oil does: healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. These are the "good fats," and they appear to lower bad cholesterol levels, and raise good cholesterol levels. Fibre, potassium, magnesium, folate and antioxidants all add to this food’s claim to super.
- Beans: Like the other superfoods they haven't gotten the same media buzz as blueberries, but some beans have even more health-promoting antioxidants. They also have as much cholesterol-lowering fibre as oats, and lots of lean protein. All of which is good for your heart. They also are rich in B vitamins and potassium. This category includes both dried and green beans.
- Oily Fish such as tuna, mackerel, salmon, and sardines: Containing enzymes that can help prevent cardiovascular disease, stomach ulcers and high blood pressure, oily fishes are also high in glutamine, which protects from colds, and niacin-B3, which lowers cholesterol. People with depression, fatigue, diabetes and itchy skin should eat salmon for its abundance in omega 3 fatty acids. They are also said to protect against Alzheimer's disease.
- Kiwi Fruit: Ninety-five per cent of our daily intake of vitamin C can be gained from this small hairy fruit. They also contain potassium, which lowers blood pressure and helps fatigue, magnesium, which can help headaches and irregular heart-beats, and manganese, which can reduce feelings of nausea, and loss of hearing.
- Spinach: Popeye has always been convinced of the wonders of spinach, and it seems he was right, as there is little that it can’t do. It's loaded with lutein -great for eyes - and countless healthy anti-oxidants; plus several B vitamins plus C and E; plus iron and other minerals and so on. And with almost no calories, you can eat as much as you want.
- Oats: Kings o' fibre, oats also deliver protein, potassium, magnesium and other minerals, and phyto-nutrients, including antioxidants. Their cholesterol-lowering powers are well known, and all that fibre is also believed to help stabilize blood sugar. Oats' combination of nutrients appears to have more healthy effects than if each nutrient were consumed separately and, they're inexpensive.
- Dark chocolate: The magic word here is flavonoids, the same kinds of antioxidants that make tea so potent a health brew. Research shows flavonoids have a role in helping lower blood pressure and in keeping your arteries from clogging - both good news for your heart. Only dark chocolate does the trick, not milk or white. And the more cocoa solids the better - look for the percentage on the label.
- Walnuts: All nuts have been proclaimed as good-for-you foods, for their healthy fats and micronutrients. A few go a long way, though, as they are calorie bombs. Walnuts' main claim to stardom is their omega-3 fatty acids, which fight heart disease. Other goodies: plant sterols, which lower cholesterol, and lots of antioxidants.
So including blueberries you now have the top ten foodstuffs that can do small but important miracles to keep you happy and healthy!