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5 good reasons to stay in bed all day

Girl in bed
Who would ever want to leave?
Monday, 21st February 2011
Written by Amelia Pickard

Now that term is more than halfway over, and the post-Christmas flush of academic fervour is starting to wane, it’s beginning to get more and more tempting to stay in bed until at least mid-afternoon. How important can a lecture scheduled before 12.15 be, anyway? Every time my alarm goes off at 8.30, I curse inwardly and look for ANY feasible excuse not to haul myself out into the cold and unforgiving morning air. Personally I’m sure it’s unhealthy to deny yourself that delicious lie-in, and so here are five excellent reasons not to.

1. The chances of getting any decent work done if you’re sleep deprived is minimal. Will you even understand what’s happening in that 9.15 lecture? Or will you listen for the first five minutes, then zone out and spend the rest of the time staring aimlessly into space while doodling on your notes, occasionally dipping back in to what the lecturer’s saying only to be completely baffled?

2. As one friend of mine put it, not having enough sleep is “like a hangover without the alcohol” the next morning.

3. Unless you’re one of those rare and wonderful people who can remain sunny regardless of their lack of rest, if you cut those precious hours in bed short you’re going to be irritable (and irritating) all day. Personally I find myself complaining to anyone who’ll listen about what time I went to bed, what time I had to wake up, how ridiculous it is to expect anyone to leave their room before lunchtime, and of course, the classic “but I’m so tired”, whenever I’m asked to do anything. By the end of the day even your best friends start to lose patience with your whining.

4. Getting up too early paves the way for the fateful mid-afternoon nap, which not only leaves you feeling even more sleepy afterwards, but makes it almost impossible to go to bed at a reasonable time that night. Then you have to wake up again in the morning without having had enough sleep, and then you have to have another nap in the afternoon, and then you go to bed even later and don’t get enough sleep, and then you have to have a nap…and so on to infinity.

5. Without enough sleep you’ll begin to look like a zombie. No amount of concealer can hide those purple circles under your red eyes, and if you keep denying yourself, it can lead to weight gain and spots. Fantastic. So do yourself a favour, and next time you’re internally debating whether or not to have that lie-in, just go for it. It’s (probably) good for you!

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#1 Greg Ebdon
Mon, 21st Feb 2011 9:10am

How about, y'know, getting to sleep earlier? Thereby achieving the same thing but still making your 9:15s.

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