Rachel Heys and Hanah Mamoojee seek out a stylish couple at the Roses.
Rachel Heys and Hanah Mamoojee are back with a summery themed My Student Wardrobe.
It's the end of term so ease your tired eyes with York campus' most stylish - as scouted by Rachel Heys and Hanah Mamoojee.
As we near the end of term, Rachel Heys and Hanah Mamoojee have been busy searching for York campus' most stylish - could it be you next week or even next term?
Emma Rockey is a first year History Student from Cumbria, in Derwent College.
The leggings were from H&M and are a staple piece that every girl has!
My big coloured bracelet was from Gambia, when I went in Easter with TravelSoc. It's made of coconut and I got it from a tourist market for around £3.50.
The green wristband was made by my best friend at the end of A-levels, and the blue one was given to me by a friend from a Gambia social which has a Portuguese blessing on it.
Style Tip: Wear what you're comfortable in, and it's fantastic at Uni because you can experiment!
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