That Girl from Derwent dwells on the value of religion this Christmas.
That Girl from Derwent has learned a few more things about prejudice since moving up North.
That Girl From Derwent reckons if you're going to be offensive, you should find a better reason.
That Girl from Derwent considers why it is that some words have wider implications than others.
When I first read about this, I laughed. I thought it couldn’t possibly be true. After articles, long, whingy ‘open letters’ to the press, and a biography or two published, I thought we had finally finished with Jade Goody. Okay, the story was sad, a mother dying and leaving her children; obviously any family which has to endure a family member dying should be pitied.
But after reading days - nay, weeks! - of endless twaddle by “close friends”, my sympathy wore thin. And now, on the announcement of Jade Goody the musical, my pity has turned to disbelief and irritation. Furthermore, to my horror, there are the plans to create Jade Goody the movie.
On the announcement of Jade Goody the musical, my pity has turned to disbelief and irritation.
This woman has done very little with her life. As far as I’m aware, she had a dodgy childhood, got instant fame which she clung onto by producing tacky perfume and writing gossip columns, had many dodgy relationships, was shown to be ignorant and racist on several occasions, and then found out she had cancer (at which point she showed signs of actually growing up). Then she died. Thus, her life was fairly unremarkable. How does this merit a movie, let alone a musical?
I personally am a huge fan of musicals and this thought leaves a nasty taste in my mouth; it discredits the value and beauty of musical theatre. I would love to know who would pay good money to hear Jade’s life sung about. I think I’d rather wear her perfume. And that is saying a lot, because it would probably smell like cheap tarts.
Musicals should be left well alone when it comes to crass publicists who exploit stories to profit from death. I would demand the same respect for movies, but unfortunately many appalling films have been created in the name of profit.
We should let the Jade Goody story quietly fade away, not continually rake over it.
Not only do I think the musicals should be protected from this kind of scam but that we should let the Jade Goody story quietly fade away, not continually rake over it. Not only because I for one am sick to death of hearing about her and the latest extorting scheme, but because I think her family need to rest in peace as well as her.
Dying was a truly nefarious extortion scheme.
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