As we enter a new year, Laura Reynolds looks at how the dating game differs from previous generations.
Laura Reynolds looks at the freedoms of festive singledom
Join Jason Rose for a peek behind today's door.
Lauren Tabbron writes about the difficulties of spending Christmas away from a loved one.
Written by Lady O
Rest assured, by “younger” I do not mean boys who are still sporting school uniform (although if they’re 18 and in sixth form that’s fine). I mean rather, that the vast majority of men I have been involved with over recent years have been at least a year younger than me if not more; my youngest of late was four years behind me.
Now such an age gap is fairly minor yet in this late-teens early-twenties stage, yet many people seem to find it an issue; certainly my mother has expressed a slight worry regarding my penchant for younger men.
Personally, I cannot see the problem. Ok- perhaps a few were a little immature but I’d be lying to suggest that all my own actions were entirely grown-up. And maybe a couple were somewhat more virginal prior to meeting me but they seemed more than happy to relinquish their innocence.
Overall, I haven’t found any great differences between my previous relationships with an 18 year old and with a 33 year old other than the fact they were different people with different personalities; this I would cite as the cause of any differences rather than the age issue.
Bar immaturity, another charge often levied against younger men is that they are inexperienced and clumsy in bed, here I must stand up in their defence; save for those young men whose first sexual experience was with my good self and we’ve all been there so it would be unfair of me to criticise. I have found younger men in general to be very thoughtful and generous in bed, perhaps they put in a bit of extra effort in a desire to impress when they know I am slightly older.
The only thing I’ve noticed with older men is that they are perhaps more confident in the bedroom (and are perhaps more inclined to initiate sex outside of it) but I wouldn’t say my experiences with them have been better because of it.
The beauty of younger men as I see it is simple; there is something about the boyish good looks, that wonderful limbo of physicality in which they exist- stuck somewhere between adolescence and manhood. The cheeky boyish smile coupled with hair on the chest, the big eyes, scruffy hair and broadening shoulders which with such ease seem to melt any resistance that I might have. I just find them so irresistible and how could I not?
I have found younger men in general to be very thoughtful and generous in bed
Each young man is in his own way beautiful, but they look at me as though they were the lucky ones (admittedly, I am rather attractive) but no matter what you tell them they are usually so unaware of just how sexy they are. This youthful insecurity gets me every time.
The thoughtfulness, the appreciation and romantic idealism that comes with youth is so attractive compared to the jaded cynicism that I’ve encountered with men in their thirties. Men who tell me they’re ready to settle down for good and despite my unsuitability would probably settle for me if I volunteered myself, purely to avoid having to look anymore.
With younger men I feel appreciated as myself rather than as a potential companion and baby-maker (my most recent thirty-something is definitely ready to be husband and father, needless to say, we have very little in common).
The current object of my affection is more than two years my junior yet he has thus far struck me as very mature in both outlook and intellect. He is also able to grow a proper beard which is hugely sexy and very kissable. I have no doubt that he will justify my fascination with the younger man. I just hope he is as enamored of me.
I would definitely recommend going younger, especially to those women who turn their noses up at the idea- a mere number seems such a foolish reason to turn an attractive man down yet I know plenty of women who do. I at least plan to continue my love affair with the younger man.
I just hope I can still pull 20 year olds when I’m pushing 50.
rule of thumb (half your age + 7) always seems to make sense.
i can say that the same isnt true of younger ladies though. in that case experience is worth more than youth (to put it politely).
From experience, when girls are younger, they want older men, and when they get older they want younger...
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