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Of course, it goes without saying that sex on a beach in Dubai is particularly inadvisable. In fact, any place that is conspicuously public is a bad idea. But that’s not to say that we can’t all be a little more adventurous on occasion.
I must admit that I have no amazingly naughty stories - but the trysts that I have had outside the old faithful bedroom have been a dubious combination of excitement, discomfort and amusement.
My first exploration led me and my then boyfriend to the backseat of his car. We had nowhere else to go and this, unfortunately, remained the only place we could have sex for another 6 weeks. The upholstery was never the same again.
There was an element of excitement and naughtiness to parking-up and climbing into the back seat. I must confess though, the whole scenario quickly lost its charm after yet another banged head, leg stuck down the side of the door and an incident with the handbrake that I just can’t bring myself to recount.
I’ve found the living room to be a more comfortable alternative to the bedroom, although slightly more risky. You don’t want to end up like an acquaintance of mine who, whilst engaging in some fun with her boyfriend heard the front door open and her grandfather enter, and had to grab a blanket to hide the fact she was stripped from the waist down. She then found herself trapped in a half hour chat with him whilst being painfully aware of both her nudity, and what had been occurring just seconds before.
Sex in the car led to an incident with the handbrake that I just can't bring myself to recount.
My own experience in the living room involved a dog sitting a just few feet away during the course of the action. It stared at me... relentlessly. Rather off-putting I’m sure you’ll agree.
The great outdoors is worth some exploration. I had great fun amongst some bluebells in the local woods once - although the uncomfortable rash across my legs and back caused by the vegetation served as a somewhat embarrassing reminder of my antics.
However, in spite of this, the experience itself, whilst not only unleashing my inner highly sexual earth goddess, was very exciting and erotic. Definitely worth a go...assuming there are no passing ramblers.
My final word of warning relates to the bathroom. Now I’m sure we’ve all seen some sexy shower scenes in the movies, and this can work just as well in real life. Personally, my breasts have never been so clean as when I let my ex-boyfriend loose on them with a bar of soap in the shower.
Although there is the opportunity to get very sexy with soap suds, the logistics of shower sex can be difficult to master. Same for baths; very enjoyable but attempts at full-blown sex can lead to water in places it is just not meant to be. I wouldn’t recommend it.
So, sex outside the bedroom can be great fun, but also perilous. Sometimes it’s worth it, sometimes not, but worth a go at least. Just don’t get caught!
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