23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

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The dating game 2012

Wednesday, 18th January 2012

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Drunken Sexcapades

tequila shot alcohol
One tequila, two tequila...
Wednesday, 20th January 2010
Everyone measures their alcohol to blood ratio differently. Some balance on one foot, others spout tongue twisters or do maths problems. For me, there is only one way to differentiate between drunk and not drunk: sex.

The key to knowing if you have drunk enough is simple. If your subconscious has switched itself off and those nagging voices in your head have gone away, things are going well. If your conscious functions have switched off too and you cannot remember who you are, that means you’ve had more than enough. It is crucial to get the balance right. Not drinking enough might prevent you from going wild, while drinking too much means you’ll end up in bed alone.

I personally strive to never get too drunk because I absolutely love drunken sex. Every sensation is multiplied a hundred times, all inhibitions are erased and things usually get quite crazy. It is a time to investigate new things and let go of everything.

Celebrating the end of exams in Gallery I consumed a few too many tequila shots, failing to consider their delayed impact in my drunken state. Suddenly I was not so sober and very horny. Finding my hottie, we decided to take a cab home. So far so good.

After an abortive attempt at sandwich making, we decided to spend the limited time before I fell into a drunken stupor wisely and went to the bedroom. All I can say is it was amazing.

However, while inebriated sex fulfils all our carnal needs, the emotional aspects fly out the window. No smouldering glances, no fifteen minute post nooky snuggle. It's a race against the fatigue that will eventually kick in and send you both to la la land.

Which is why it shouldn't become a habit. While drunken sex can be invigorating, it lacks the sensual connection that is established during calmer love making sessions. If sex is a way to relax physically and psychologically, drunken sex is only fulfilling half your needs.

Furthermore, nine times out of ten, we choose the wrong partner for our illicit antics. The excitement of doing something naughty like sleeping with a housemate will ultimately come back to haunt us.

The size of our university campus means that we will inevitably brush sides with people we've slept with in the past, no matter how unlikely, and getting over that initial awkwardness is never fun.

So the moral of the story is... Have drunken sex, it's fun, but beware: it can be more toxic than the university lake.

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