Ultimate is a non contact team sport, played with 5 (indoor) or 7 (outdoor) players. It is fast paced and a great way to get fit. We have open, womens and mixed teams so everyone is welcome.
The aim of the game isn't too complicated. Get the disk to the opposition's end zone, without conceeding the disk to the other team. Sound simple? One team pulls (launches the disk at the opposing team) who then picks it up and attempts to work it up the pitch towards the end zone. The team that "pulls" is the defending team, and tries to stop the offensive team's progress. The disk can change possession under a few circumstances, but common ones, are blocks, drops, and the defending team catching the disk. Once "Turned Over" play re commences straight away, with the defending team now on offence.
There are regular tournaments all around the country including Beginners Tournaments in Sheffield and Loughborough during the first term so it's a great way to travel around the country and meet new people.
With socials most Wednesdays, not only are we one of the most successful clubs on campus but we also have a lot of fun!