23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

What is this?

The news archive contains a list of every single article published on The Yorker in chronological order.


Lisa Grijzenhout
Lisa Grijzenhout


Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 articles
short skirt

Lisa Grijzenhout talks about the differences between going out in Amsterdam and York: and they're pretty different...

Dutch food

Lisa Grijzenhout looks at her culture shock regarding English food. And why 'carbs' with 'carbs' might not be everybody's cup of tea.


Lisa Grijzenhout came from Amsterdam to study English and History of Art and the University of York two years ago. Over the next few weeks she'll be blogging the cultural similarities and differences between her two homes.


Top 10 American family shows

Arts - TV
Wed, 4th November 2009

Pick a family, one of them is sure to be like yours.


Half Moon Man - Drama Barn - 30/10/09

Arts - Performing Arts
Sat, 31st October 2009

The Yorker sent Lisa Grijzenhout to review the second Drama Barn production of the year

Fantastic Mr Fox Large

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Arts - Film
Sun, 25th October 2009

Fantastic Mr. Fox - not so fantastic.

Sword in the Stone 2

We sent Lisa Grijzenhout to watch Pantsoc's latest production: The Sword in the Stone.

Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 articles