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Skins Series 2: Hot!
Friday, 22nd February 2008
From fabulous to frightening; frivolous praise and scorn for what’s Hot and what’s Not


  • Series Two of Skins

At last the monotony of normal everyday life can be relieved! Skins is Hot, and the second series could not have arrived too soon. What more could you want from a TV show than an hours worth of drugs, sex, teenage angst and downright bad behaviour? I don’t know if it’s just me, but I certainly wish my school days were that eventful. Unfortunately living in reality means the majority of teenagers have to accept staying out until 11.30 with a pint of Strongbow is about as exciting as it gets.

  • Indie Nights

I have often tried to resist indie nights due to the alarming amount of eyeliner, skinny jeans and hairspray; however I must admit that indie nights are hot. They give you an opportunity to enjoy all the best indie tunes, without having to suffer the sometimes heartbreaking disappointment of buying the whole album.

As much as I often declared myself as a Tuesday night Toffs fan, the ritual of dancing to S Club 7's Reach for the Stars did eventually get really tiresome. This was often the opening track for an hour's worth of cheese, including ear aches such as the Baywatch theme and Build Me Up Buttercup.

So indie nights offer the music lovers among us to enjoy dancing to all our favourite edgy and alternative indie tunes, without a morsel of cheese in sight.

  • Primark

Let’s face it, the student lifestyle does not often allow us to indulge in the likes of FCUK and Topshop. Primark allows us to feel like we can indulge in a lavish shopping spree…that amounts to £20. Sometimes Primark is so cheap it can make you feel like we are cheating the system, especially when you see the same item of clothing you were eyeing up in Topshop for a fiver!

Primark is Hot; even if the clothes disintegrate while you are wearing them you still couldn’t feel cheated. All I can say is let's all hope that one day Primark will grace York with its presence.

Not Hot

  • Post Smoking Ban Odours

I celebrated the smoking ban honestly thinking that it was going to give everyone a breath of fresh air. I became sick of coming home from pubs and clubs feeling wheezy and reeking of cigarettes.

Unfortunately nobody anticipated the horrors that would be revealed, once the smoke was no longer there to mask them. Take Toffs for example: the first thing that becomes evident when you walk in is the smell of sweaty feet. As if that isn’t enough there are even more to nasal atrocities to deal with; for example, the person dancing behind you who forgot their deodorant, or the phantom farter who seems to follow you all evening.

This is definitly Not Hot; perhaps the smell of cigarettes was a better alternative after all.

  • BMW Drivers

In Britain we are always actively encouraged to drive responsibly and respect other road users. We are obliged to obey the speed limit and indicate to show other road users to know what we intend to do. This all seems fair enough. After all there are far too many accidents on the road.

However there is a group of road users who don’t have to obey these rules, and, apparently rule the roads. I’m talking about the infamous BMW driver. Anyone who has the misfortune to be sharing the road with one had better watch out. Driving suddenly becomes a struggle of power; the lone BMW driver will make strong efforts to irritate everyone else on the road.

Driving like a psychotic dictator is Not Hot: it’s really irritating and quite frankly who cares about BMWs? It’s only the people that drive them that seem to think it’s a life-changing status symbol.

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#1 Anonymous
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 5:45pm

Skins is great!! The Smell of BO is not. However I'm not a fan of the attack on BMW drivers. I drive a BMW but hold a higher driving qualification than most traffic police officers. What is not hot is the 1.0 litre cars that sit in the outside lane holding back the rest of the traffic as they attempt to make a 73mph overtake. Stating that all bad drivers drive BMW's is outrageous! Everybody knows that chavs make the worst drivers and I have never seen a chav in anything better than a nova, corsa or saxo!!!

#2 Richard Mitchell
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 6:03pm

"the ritual of dancing to S Club 7's Reach for the Stars did eventually get really tiresome"

Don't worry, so will the indie room - the entire Kinki Indie set only seems to change by one or two tracks each year. A lot of it is the same as when I started in 2004...

#3 Richard Mitchell
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 6:06pm

Oh at Anon 1 - the outside lane is for anyone to overtake, no matter how fast they may be going compared to the person they're trying to get past. The worst is people who just sit there overtaking nothing.

I'm not going to say the majority, but it seems quite a few BMW drivers can be very pushy when in the situation described, they love getting right up your arse and trying to force you to pull over when they have no right to.

#4 Kirsty Denison
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 6:20pm

Mitch, I'm in love with you, will you marry me?

#5 George Taylor
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 6:22pm

Funny you say that Mitch, I was driving up to Scotland the other weekend, when I pulled out to overtake a bus and a car. It was a dual carriageway and I was doing about 80 mph. I only drive a shitty little fiesta, which is what must have annoyed the BMW driver who came flying up behind me, was so far up my arse I actually felt penetrated. I stayed at my 80mph, and pulled in as soon as I'd overtaken what I was passing.

Only the for the complete tw*t to rev past me, pull in, and slam his brakes right in front of me.

Now, it's obviously stupid to say all BMW drivers are like that, but of all the stereotypes, I have to say the BMW driver is one of the very worst. The fact that you boast about having a high level driving qualification, and then in the next breath have a go at someone who is preventing you from breaking the speed limit says it all really.

#6 Adam Thorn
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 6:35pm

Yet again this is bloody brilliant!

#7 Anonymous
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 6:47pm

I think this article would've been great if the 'Not' section was aimed at bad drivers instead of drivers of a specific car make. I think that all drivers should be made to take the Pass Plus scheme or the Institute of Advanced Motorists scheme in order for the roads to be made safer. Not only will it give younger drivers better skills at reading the road, but it also helps to build confidence with stuff they fail to teach in driving lessons. Especially with the IAM the majority of instructors are involved in driving for the emergency services so the law plays a huge role in the course.
The incident that George mentioned earlier is unfortunately all too common. I was not however having a go at people for preventing me to break the speed limit - i was just stating that people who don't make progress when overtaking is a danger to all behind.

#8 Kirsty Denison
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 7:13pm

Anon: of course, this is a comment blog. Please take note that it will be somewhat subjective and is not supposed to be wholeheartedly representational.

#9 Anonymous
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 7:38pm

George. You are a legend.

#10 Richard Mitchell
Fri, 22nd Feb 2008 7:52pm

I thought you'd never ask Kirsty, Darling!

#11 Anonymous
Wed, 27th Feb 2008 7:27pm

I shop in French Connection and Topshop [well, Topman] all the time, and I wouldn't say they're an indulgence..
Although, I'm really not denying Primark's appeal!

#12 Anonymous
Wed, 27th Feb 2008 7:30pm

Re: post #1 I don't think every chav is necessarily a bad driver, neither is every individual who owns a BMV.
I think what people are trying to get at is that what's REALLY 'not' are bad drivers in general.

#13 Anonymous
Wed, 27th Feb 2008 7:31pm
  • I meant BMW not BMV. I realise I have no excuse it's not even as if the keys are anywhere near each other on the keyboard.

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