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To help you manage your applications more successfully, The Know has brought you some essential advice on how to write that all-important cover letter. Also included are some tips from top employers on what they are looking for in graduate employees.
Along with your CV, the cover letter will be used by potential employers in order to form a first impression of you. A professional-looking cover letter will be clear and concise, addressed to a named person, and consist of just one page. If it helps, try to divide the letter into these four sections:
Thorough, articulate and persuasive graduates, with an intelligent, analytical and open-minded approach.
Introduce yourself, and say where you saw the job advertised. If it is a speculative application, be specific about the role you are looking for.
In this section, you should mention what appeals to you about that particular job, and why you want to work for the company or organisation as a whole. Take this opportunity to display your research into the company, and demonstrate an awareness of their policies or work ethics.
Creativity, vision, people skills, an inquiring mind and a willingness to learn
Use this section as a chance to accentuate your positive qualities. Draw on your skills and experiences to explain what you could contribute to the role, and refer to, but do not repeat, points from your CV. Refer more specifically to the job description or requirements, and be clear about how or why you are an ideal candidate for the job.
Adaptability, drive, teamwork and passion
End the letter by repeating your desire to take on this role, and indicate your availability for interview. Display your enthusiasm but keep the tone formal and polite.
Below is a list of skills that can make you more employable:
Commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism.
Think about mentioning these in your cover letter, ensuring that you can provide examples of how you have demonstrated them.
Sell yourself to the best of your ability and the job offers should come flooding in!
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