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It’s getting to that time again when people begin to (unnecessarily) panic about housing for next year, despite us being less than 2 months into this academic year. First years in particular, read on, and second years and above, you may also learn something.
At the end of the day, if you don’t manage to find housing with who you want, don’t worry! Plenty of people will be in the same boat, and soon enough posters will appear around campus advertising for house mates. And the same goes if you end up with a spare room in your house - chances are you will find someone to fill it.
The University releases its housing list every year which features landlords and properties that have been recognised by the university as meeting certain standards. This year, the list is due to be released on February 1st, and although it is useful to have some idea of what you want before this, there is no need to rush out and sign a contract, as the city of York has a surplus of student housing, so there are plenty of houses to go around!
For further advice:
And I repeat: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SIGN FOR A HOUSE BEFORE FEBRUARY. It's just not necessary, you're likely to rush into getting a place you're not happy with, and, unless you want to live with a large number of people in one house (>5 or 6), there'll be plenty of properties left by mid-Feb.
Also, has to be said- avoid living in Tang Hall if you can possibly avoid it.
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