Ding Huang demonstrates the art of paper cutting
Laura Reynolds looks at the habits of exam-weary students
James Tompkinson discusses the benefits of using Facebook for revision
Laura Reynolds provides some tips to help you save
Key - F = front, U = up, D = Down, L = left, R = right, i = inverted
1. Fi U L Ui - For the cross when it's in the right position but not facing the right way.
2. Ri D R Di - For the corners of the 1st side: when the white piece is facing right.
3. D Ri Di R - For the corners of the 1st side: when the white piece is facing left.
4. Ri D D R Di - For the corners of the 1st side: when the white piece is facing downwards.
Stay tuned for part 2 of How to solve a rubik's cube.
This is cool! (Although also massively geeky).
If only I could find my old (unsolved) Rubik's cube! Good guide
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