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Tattoos are the most personal thing someone can have done to them. The closest thing I can compare it to is sex but even sex (good or bad) is temporary.
When I got my tattoo, I had just turned 18 and was looking for something that meant something to me then and would still have significance when the tattoo, and inevitably I, began to age. I decided on a sparrow on my shoulder blade and twenty minutes later I was inked.
Before I went to get mine done I had the normal feelings. I was anxious, terrified of the pain, and scared that once it was on me I would hate it and immediately regret my choice. If you are thinking about getting a tattoo make sure you are getting one because it means something to you, rather than thinking, “OMG this is so cute”. Those are the tattoos that get removed off in a few years. As for the pain, it really is not as bad as you would imagine. Having a phobia of needles I have left many doctor’s offices after fainting, vomiting, or a lovely combination of the both. However, the tattoo gun just feels like someone is scratching you with a dull pencil.
In Asia people do not walk around with “beer” or “light” tattooed on their lower backs.
I am a fan of expressing yourself, and think tattoos are not only sexy but can tell stories about the people they are on. Some tattoos, however, make me want to shake the person and ask why on earth they thought it was a good idea. My best friend Lindsey decided this summer that she wanted a tattoo, which got me excited that we would both have them. She showed up at my house a week later with a large script “L” on her ankle. I guess if she forgot what letter her name started with she would be in luck; other than that, it is pointless. I feel the same way about tribal tattoos that cover 'macho' men’s arms, as well as Chinese characters when in fact you yourself are not Chinese. In Asia people do not walk around with “beer” or “light” tattooed on their lower backs.
Getting a tattoo made me feel independent and in control of my body, as cheesy as it sounds.
Getting a tattoo made me feel independent and in control of my body, as cheesy as it sounds. The popular idea of getting a tattoo to make you feel different from everyone else is not in fact the case. The Boston Globe reports that, “24 percent of Americans between 18 and 50 are tattooed; that's almost one in four” and the rates are similar in the UK. With shows such as LA Ink and London Ink, getting a tattoo is no longer something shady that only occurs at run-down dodgy parlours. Tattoos used to be associated with only the outcasts of societies like bikers, sailors, prisoners, etc. Recently this has changed and now getting one is seen as trendy since the stigma is mostly gone.
The old mindset is still alive and well though, which I realized when my grandma first saw my newly done bird and burst into tears. My mum’s response wasn’t much better, as it also involved loads of tears and unanswered phone calls. My advice to those getting a tattoo would be to really think about what you want done, because at least when you get negative reactions you can stand up for your tattoo and know that it is perfect for you.
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