23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

What is this?

The news archive contains a list of every single article published on The Yorker in chronological order.


Fiona Lavelle
Fiona Lavelle
Fiona joined the Yorker in her first term at York. In her second term she became Deputy Lifestyles Editor and in term 3, co deputy editor. She won the Lifestyle columnist of the year award 09/10. Fiona was elected Yorker Editor in January 2010.
Course Course: History
E-Mail Address E-Mail: fcl500


Viewing 11 - 20 of 50 articles
Roses 10 logo

The Yorker continues bringing you live updates from the sporting events in Lancaster.

Prince Andrew

Grand Old Duke of York inaugurates Goodricke College

News - University News
Thu, 29th April 2010

His Royal Highness The Prince Andrew inaugurated Goodricke College yesterday. The Yorker reports.

Yorkshire Rose

Roses is a well known and loved annual sporting competition between the Universities of Lancaster and York. Its namesake was a much darker affair of dynastic rivalry and bloodshed.

Eruption above the clouds

University students are facing travel difficulties as a result of the volcanic ashes spreading from Iceland across Britain and North Europe.


UYBC Senior Men's Top Eight make a fantastic achievement at the Head of the River Race on the River Thames.


Student discovered living in JB Morrell library

News - University News
Thu, 1st April 2010

A second year history student was discovered yesterday after the smell of cooking alerted library workmen of her presence.

Chinese New Year Gala 2010 - Lion Dance

Fiona Lavelle takes in the Chinese New Year event at the Grand Opera House

Sports Centre

Varsity Live Blog 2010

Varsity X - Varsity Live Blog
Sun, 28th February 2010

The Yorker brings you the action live from the Varsity sport competition between York St. Johns and the University of York.

Fusion 2010

Fusion Telling Tales: Video Preview

News - University News
Sat, 27th February 2010

The Yorker presents a sneak preview to next week's show.

Chinese New Year

Chinese society celebrate the year of the tiger in style

News - University News
Thu, 25th February 2010

The Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) are culminating a two week intensive program of cultural celebration with the Lunar New Year Gala this Saturday. Taking place in the York Grand Opera House, the event will showcase Si-chuan traditional drama face swapping, Tibetan dancing and Shao-ling Kung Fu among other acts.

Viewing 11 - 20 of 50 articles