23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

What is this?

The news archive contains a list of every single article published on The Yorker in chronological order.


Fiona Lavelle
Fiona Lavelle
Fiona joined the Yorker in her first term at York. In her second term she became Deputy Lifestyles Editor and in term 3, co deputy editor. She won the Lifestyle columnist of the year award 09/10. Fiona was elected Yorker Editor in January 2010.
Course Course: History
E-Mail Address E-Mail: fcl500


Viewing 1 - 10 of 50 articles

Tokyo Industries purchase Tru

News - University News
Tue, 24th August 2010

The Yorker can confirm that Tokyo Industries have purchased Tru nightclub, ending months of speculation about the club’s future

Woodstock from Central Hall 2

The Yorker is live from Vanbrugh College all day

YUSU awards

YUSU awards ceremony a success

News - University News
Sun, 20th June 2010

The first YUSU organised awards ceremony recognised students for their invaluable contribution to student life last night.

James logo

James College does Quad Dash

News - University News
Sun, 6th June 2010

Yesterday saw James College pull off another successful Quad Dash and Bash combo.

Big D

The Making of Big D

News - University News
Thu, 27th May 2010

The Yorker uncovers the secrets behind this year's Big D.

The Mountaineering Club

Band: The Mountaineering Club

Arts - Original Work
Sun, 23rd May 2010

York student group 'The Mountaineering Club' are conquering York with their smooth sounds and sweet visuals.

University of York

History students in exam mix up

News - University News
Wed, 19th May 2010

History students were given the wrong exam paper yesterday after an administrational mix up.


Big D releases theme SinneD

News - University News
Thu, 6th May 2010

Annual end of year event Big D to return with this year's theme SinneD.

Christian Vassie

The Yorker interviews York Central Lib Dem MP candidate Christian Vassie about his policies.

Roses 10 logo

It's the last day here in Lancaster and The Yorker brings you scores from the final matches.

Viewing 1 - 10 of 50 articles