James Arden checks out the garage rockers latest album.
The Christian rock band from Brighton bring religion to the masses.
Recipe for modern R'n'B album: liberal helpings of guest rappers and an overdose of sexual euphemisms.
The first band to grace the stage, Mississippi Pink Water, was a duo playing one electric guitar and one acoustic guitar. While placed rather low in the standing, they were easily one of the best bands of the nights as they had a unique sound and were actually into their performance. Some of the solos were a bit too long, but their rendition of The Mamas and the Papas’ California Dreaming added a nice flavor to the folk classic.
The following three bands kind of blended together to form a block of generic rock. First up, Kilele, was a band consisting of members from a band that played last night.
The key to last nights performance was getting the crowd involved and having a strong stage presence.
The only difference was that this band played with a different drummer. The lead man held the band together, but his lead ins, consisting of long winded harmonies, made no great impact on the audience.
Up next on the rock hit parade was Hung, a band that really wanted to sound like classic rock legends - or Audioslave - but what’s the difference really? Hung’s theory seems to be that if they play with enough distortion and crank up the bass drum amp then everyone will think they actually are Audioslave. On the up side, they had a solid set and were the first band to actually have a stage presence.
The penultimate band, the Tool-esque Phi, structured their songs around a similar two chord build up for three songs, meaning that the set got rather boring rather quickly. However, with each long haired band-member in a tuxedo suit at least they put on a good show.
Last, but in no way least, was the hands down winner of the night, Magic P and the Innuendos. This band brought it all to the table and demonstrated why they are a top contender to win this year's Battle of the Bands. The seven piece arrangement featured a fiddle, an accordion, trumpet, and trombone, as well as guitar, drum and bass. The focus of the band was on the music, as there were no lyrics to the songs. Magic P was first and only band that actually got people moving and into the music on this, the second heat of the week. That alone is enough to propel a band to the top of the list.
Personal Winner: Magic P and the Innuendos
Actual Results:
Check back every day this week for the latest on the Battle of The Bands 2008 heats.
woo go magic P, clearly the best band in York right now!
"...like classic rock legends - or Audioslave..."-Has never heard any Audioslave. Or classic Rock presumably.
"...crank up the bass drum amp..."-I'm sorry, but there is no such thing as a bass drum amp. And even if there was, EntsTech control the volume levels, not the bands. And they did it well, I might add.
"...similar two chord build up for three songs..."- I know the Phi setlist for the night. Had you actually heard one of those three songs, or knew what a chord was, you'd probably not have made such a banal comment.
In conclusion, please learn something about music before making meaningless criticisms.
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