James Arden checks out the garage rockers latest album.
The Christian rock band from Brighton bring religion to the masses.
Recipe for modern R'n'B album: liberal helpings of guest rappers and an overdose of sexual euphemisms.
If there is one thing that I enjoy doing when I find an Indie album to review; it has to be preparing to make fun of that album for doing nothing interesting other than coping countless other Indie bands to turn the genre into nothing more than a formless monster that is destined to destroy music itself. Sorry what was I talking about?
Random digression can occur like that while listening to this creative, intelligent, and precisely produced Indie album. Wait just a second, didn't I just ramble on about the blandness of Indie? Yes I did, but Vampire Weekend has done me a favor in creating an alum I enjoy listening to and do not have to complain about.
Vampire Weekend were uncovered by fans through a series of blogs, which ultimately allowed for their main stream discovery
Vampire Weekend finds their sound in a type of minimalist writing that appears to have a very catchy and pop sound and while this sounds like a number of other Indie albums, Vampire Weekend succeds where countless other bands have failed; in that they have created their own distinct sound that seperates themselves from the masses. Instead of boring you after 3 songs, this sound never dulls as the album progresses and keeps you interested through all ten tracks,
Vampire Weekend come out of the Blog-o-sphere of music to shine there Beatles-esque chords onto the world. Many have already heard some of there singles on the radio like "Cape Code Kwassa Kwassa", but the shine through track has to be A-Punk, however all of the tracks are crisp different and refreshing.
The synthesizer and guitar meld perfectly to give a cross between Indie-Pop and some sort of island steel guitar. This album is good and I hate putting descriptions to music bluntly, but like the minimalist style of composition on this album, my review reflects it. Pick up this album and enjoy the uplifting ridiculousness that is the Vampire Weekend
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