James Arden checks out the garage rockers latest album.
The Christian rock band from Brighton bring religion to the masses.
Recipe for modern R'n'B album: liberal helpings of guest rappers and an overdose of sexual euphemisms.
You Don't Know What You're Getting Yourself Into is the debut album from the explosively popular rising stars, electro-indie outfit Does It Offend You, Yeah? who are also confirmed to play at Glastonbury this summer, and my personal tip for potentially one of the best bands to see over the weekend. If you're not a fan of synthey electro goodness then don't turn away now… prepare to be converted.
The ten tracks of You Don't Know What You're Getting Yourself Into are bursting with a frenetic energy and rhythmic intensity that hooks you in from the first track to the last almost without pause. There's very little filler here, in fact it's almost all killer: catchy beats that'll get you dancing in seconds, fun, energetic vocals, and synthey-keyboard sounds perfectly interwoven, adding successfully an entire new dimension to the sound without sounding 'silly' at any point on the way.
There's very little filler here, in fact it's almost all killer.
Songs on the albums vary slightly in terms of their loyalty to genre; dabbling to varying degrees into Electro, Rock, Punk, Indie and Nu Rave. Personally, I find Does It Offend you, Yeah? to be at their best when electro-ing it up, though the few slightly more 'trad-indie' songs on the album are pretty good too.
Highlights from the album include Attack of the 60ft Lesbian Octopus, a bombastic funk-fuzz dancey tune with an awesome beat, typical of the album, and also Epic Last Song; the album's finale, and an aptly named one.
For me, this is one of the best albums of 2008 so far, and so *STAMP* goes The Yorker seal of approval all over this, in neon ink. Better than the Klaxons, less angsty than The Faint; Does It Offend You, Yeah? live up to the hype with style.
Nice review Ben, can I borrow the CD?
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