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Super Monday: YUSU election nominations open

YUSU Election
Nominations for the next sabbatical team begins
Monday, 11th February 2008
The battle for next year's YUSU cabinet has begun this morning with candidates expected to announce their nominations in the coming days.

In what is tipped to be the most difficult election to call since Micky Armstrong beat Robbie Dale, three candidates have emerged as front runners in the presidential race.

Expected to split the YUSU camp is Ents Rep Nadz Kunwar and Women's Officer Laura Payne. Also likely to challenge for the top spot is former Vanbrugh chair Ryan Bennett.

What has each candidate got to offer?

The following are merely the opinions of the author.

Here's a breakdown of what to expect from the big guns.

Ryan Bennett

  • Bennett is Mr. Diplomat, and a charismatic and populist leader. He won Vanbrugh Chair on promising to bring bigger and better events to the college. Largely believed to have delivered, with events such as Porno V taking on Goodricke at their own game of sell-out, edgy events. Will take credit for a professional handling of the university Bleachfields disaster. Expect rousing, energetic speeches - the most credible to claim that he can rouse the student troops when needed.

Nadz Kunwar

  • Ents Officer Kunwar is generally considered a pro-media, pro-enterprise candidate, who deservedly cashes in on this sab team's reputation for savvy event management. He is considered a YUSU maverick however - being one of the renegade critics of Gracegate, and becoming a director of The Yorker.ltd. Expect some radical policies on making YUSU much more accountable, huge media charter reform, and pushing events to the next level. Kunwar has the most credible claim to delivering on "What Students Want".

Laura Payne

  • Naturally Payne is likely to have the strongest resume on issues, especially on progressive issues like women and the environment. Payne put her neck on the line and proposed that Women's Committee be open to men, arguing that shutting out men only shrouds them in secrecy. A courageous move from a Women's Officer, and a battle which she deservedly won. Expect thought-out, good policies and a great constitutional, democratic grounding.

Currently, the above nominations are only "whispers". Candidates are not allowed to use publicity until Week 8.

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Showing 21 - 35 of 35 comments
#21 Anonymous
Tue, 12th Feb 2008 1:21pm

Oh man...you've got to love the Yorker for allowing anonymous comments...this kind of debate is only going to get better once the campaigns get going! Personally I think the article is totally unbiased and entirely false.

Yours Sincerely,

Laura Kunwar-Bennett

#22 Anonymous
Wed, 13th Feb 2008 12:00am

Nadz is sexy

#23 Anonymous
Wed, 13th Feb 2008 12:22am

I also agree that the article is unbiased, however anyone who says anyone other then Mr Kunwar should win has sadly been mislead. The others are both perfectly nice people, however Kunwar in my opinion is nicer, and would make a better president as he actually would fight (not physically of course) for things instead of just talking about it. Thats what we need!!
Not another Blair

#24 Anonymous
Thu, 14th Feb 2008 12:50am

I say Payne for President...
You know what the posters say - Do you know how many JCR chairs are men... so we should all think on that!
Worse still do you know how many YUSU Presidents have been women in the last 10 years! I will tell you how many. Negative 4, thats right. Time to change the tide of sexism in YUSU... a woman for YUSU chair i say... A woman!

#25 Andy Day
Thu, 14th Feb 2008 1:19am

If im not mistaken, the current YUSU president is already a women, unless of course you think Anne-Marie is infact a man....

#26 Anonymous
Thu, 14th Feb 2008 4:04pm

Stop baiting Andy!

#27 Andy Day
Thu, 14th Feb 2008 5:52pm

I am not baiting, i was merely poiting out that the current YUSU president is a women, and that #24 apparently does not realise this (see my post) and they accused YUSU of being sexist because of this.

#28 Anonymous
Fri, 15th Feb 2008 10:16pm

Maybe #24 thinks thay Anne-Marie is -4 women.

#29 Chris Northwood
Fri, 15th Feb 2008 10:33pm

Or perhaps she's 4,294,967,292 women (Computer Science joke there, I apologise)

#30 Anonymous
Sat, 16th Feb 2008 6:11am

I didn't realise doing computer science opened open so many avenues of humour

#31 Lauren Menzies
Sun, 17th Feb 2008 3:16am

Nadz for President!! woohoo!

#32 Anonymous
Sun, 17th Feb 2008 5:43am

Ryan Bennett all the way!

#33 Anonymous
Sun, 17th Feb 2008 6:36am


#34 Anonymous
Tue, 19th Feb 2008 6:31am

Nadeem Kunwar's Facebook profile features a quote from President John F. Kennedy from 1967. He was assassinated in 1963.

This renders him unfit to be YUSU President.

#35 Andy B
Tue, 19th Feb 2008 6:48am

Number #34 No it doesn't it says 1962

Im assuming you think Laura Payne's quote on facebook of; "i always have lots of grandiose plans to do something really interesting, then never get around to it" makes her a really great presidential candidate? I think not!

Showing 21 - 35 of 35 comments

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