A group of York students has won the opportunity to have their very own I-phone application developed after winning The App Challenge final, held at the Ron Cooke Hub on Wednesday, January 18.
YUSU Welfare officer Bob Hughes has warned students to be vigilant after a student loans phishing scam has been revealed.
Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting York on Maundy Thursday, 5th April, as part of the 800th anniversary of York’s Charter for the traditional “Royal Maundy” ceremony.
A flood caused by a heating system “failure” forced the university IT services to shut down many essential systems on Sunday night, causing problems for many students on the eve of their exams and assignment due-dates.
The motion was submitted at the YUSU Union General Meeting last Thursday. Voting opened on Monday and students have until 12 noon on Thursday to cast their vote.
283 people need to vote on the motion in order for the results to be recognised.
Bar provision isn't like the provision of launderettes or vending machines - B Henry's is an integral part of the Alcuin College system.
O'Connor believes that enough students care about B Henry's for the motion to be passed. He told The Yorker: "the high level of student participation and engagement that has been evident since we launched the campaign gives a strong indication to the University that students care about this issue, and want to see B Henry's continue as a licensed outlet".
O'Connor has also accused the university of not taking its collegiate system seriously. He said: "Bar provision isn't like the provision of launderettes or vending machines - B Henry's is an integral part of the Alcuin College system, and keeping it open should be viewed as an investment in the collegiate system".
Giles Raymond, a second year who lived in Alcuin last year, agreed that B Henry's is essential to the college. He said: "I think having a college bar is paramount for freshers, especially as Alcuin is relatively removed from campus. When given the opportunity it holds great events, and I can't stress how much it was appreciated when I was a fresher, and when I was STYCing".
To vote on the motion, go to http://www.yusu.org/union/vote'
It's just a shame that ultimately, the motion will probably achieve nothing. All it does is mandate the union to try and fight the university over the bar closure, something which they'd most likely be behind anyway from a welfare point of view. The motion will certainly pass but probably won't result in anything that will change the minds of those closing the bar.
Wentworth is next in line for assessment and potential closure as the consultants go round... Damn consultants...
Dear Anonymous,
I disagree with your points. There are three purposes of the motion:
1. To ratify YUSU Council's decision to support the motion.
2. To raise awareness about the issue, as one which doesn't just affect Alcuin students, but ultimately the University of York as a whole.
3. To show the University that there is widespread support to keep College Bars, including B. Henry's.
I am confident that we'll achieve all three of these. If we do, it will back up our lobbying efforts with Heslington Hall. As has been pointed out in previous articles by The Yorker, a decision has yet to be made by Student Services Committee as to the future of B. Henry's. This is our chance to show that group of people what students think.
Best wishes,
Erik O'Connor
Best of luck Erik, and Alcuin College as a whole.
"Bar provision isn't like the provision of launderettes or vending machines - B Henry's is an integral part of the Alcuin College system."
I wonder what would happen if we asked Alcuin students which of those three things they'd prefer to lose. The empty bar that nobody ever uses, perhaps?
Over 100 Alcuin members, from all years came to the open meeting to help save B Henry's. Not wanting to create a debate on which is more important out of a college bar or laundrette, I doubt a meeting to save the laundrette would have been as well attended...
Oh and #4, B Henry's is only empty when it isn't open. Come to the quiz tonight and you will realise that plenty of people do use it.
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