A group of York students has won the opportunity to have their very own I-phone application developed after winning The App Challenge final, held at the Ron Cooke Hub on Wednesday, January 18.
YUSU Welfare officer Bob Hughes has warned students to be vigilant after a student loans phishing scam has been revealed.
Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting York on Maundy Thursday, 5th April, as part of the 800th anniversary of York’s Charter for the traditional “Royal Maundy” ceremony.
A flood caused by a heating system “failure” forced the university IT services to shut down many essential systems on Sunday night, causing problems for many students on the eve of their exams and assignment due-dates.
James College students have been offered the current Goodricke College buildings when Goodricke relocates to Heslington East next year.
The new Goodricke College should be ready in time for October 2009. As the university does not plan to knock down the current Goodricke buildings, James has been offered a chance to expand its social space.
Neil Lunt, provost of James College, told The Yorker: "The relocation of Goodricke is chance to look at what facilities James college needs if it is to fulfil its potential here in Heslington West." Students that currently live in James have been sent a questionnaire asking what facilities they would like to see introduced.
The relocation of Goodricke is chance to look at what facilities James college needs if it is to fulfil its potential here in Heslington West.
Examples offered pool tables and reading space. When asked about the college’s current facilities, a first year biology student living in James said: "We have a small common room compared to other colleges so more social space is needed and will abode well within the college."
Since it was established in 1989, James College has shared a number of facilities. Its larger events are currently held at Wentworth’s Edge Bar or the Roger Kirk Centre.
At the beginning of the summer, Lunt established Working Party – a student driven group that will investigate a series of issues, including social spaces. The group will report its findings to James College council when it has finished its investigation.
This is news?
What else was going to happen?! :-\
It will be good for James, though; they will get a bar, a common room and their own porter. The Hes East expansion isn't all bad
Well it's certainly news to me!
I had no idea what the plan for Goodricke is once it's moved to Hes East, and had (perhaps naively) assumed the uni would knock down some of the accomodation given its age and how dissatisfied with it a lot of its residents are.
Tbh any number of things could've happened with it - for example many departments don't have many dedicated lecture rooms, and the hall could even have been a potential place for a central union venue on Hes West.
James already have a common room, but I think it's worth watching that the uni don't try to pull a fast one and close down McQ's while no-one's looking. It's such a nice pub and right in the middle of campus.
And finally, I personally don't think there's much bad at all with Hes East, apart from the noise involved in building it right near my house!
I actually think there's probably a case for Goodricke D block not going to James, but (back) to Wentworth instead.
As it stands, Wentworth has no budget-priced accommodation, and considering masters degrees are so expensive, wouldn't this be a good opportunity for the University to offer a bit more choice for new graduates seeking to save a bit of money?
Who is Jason Rose?
lol thanks for posting that on every thread and deciding to remain anonymous because obviously I'll be insulted... unless it's intended as malicious? Sigh
Anyway... Goodricke D block should definitely go back to Wentworth imho because it's across the river from both sets of James accomodation.
Indeed they could have knocked it down but they've said time and time again that they'd prefer to spend MORE money on renovating the old-looking lake accomodation than on knocking it down and rebuilding it like James and Alcuin... and I had assumed that this was no different. Plus I had heard it said (i.e. that Goodricke will become James) a couple of months ago. Whether that was just rumour or actual decision I have no idea!!
In regards to #2 post, I didn't mean to say that they would get a common room for the first time... but the TV in there is good and the pool tables would be nice for James to gain.
And finally regarding McQ's - the university have so far not expressed an opinion towards shutting it. Wentworth was targeted and Alcuin has been mentioned for a long time as potentially closing... but McQ's hasn't. If they choose to close it I am certain that YUSU will protest very strongly as there has not been any review of McQ's planned and there should be no reason to change this just because they have a tenuous excuse!
The University wouldn't consider closing McQ's, it's a cash cow! It's always packed therefore makes a profit, no brainer.
Who is Jason Rose?
Jason, another reason for not knocking down some of the older buildings is that they are now protected, listed buildings, as mentioned in one of our blogs earlier this week
Plays on the European Golf Tour doesn't he?
I think thats his older brother Justin. I heard he was really, really knowledgable on YUSU as well and sat on almost as many YUSU committees as Jason Rose does, but doesn't know as much as Jason.
Thanks Mitch
And #10, no.
McQs and Alcuin's bar are equally packed - yet McQ's makes a lot of money and Alcuin loses it. That's why this issue of finances by the Provost and the JCRC came up anyway. They can't understand why it's making a loss.
Also, #7. I read all the news articles in every media outlet because I like to know what's going on the university. As student rep on the University Senate it's important that I know what's going on anyway. The reason that I post on here is so that if I know things others can learn and if I don't *I* can learn. Being wrong about something is good because it ensures that I understand the issue better.
Jason, you are actually mistaken about post #10. It was not me who wrote it, no do I condone necessarily the 'who is Jason Rose' stuff, but you did receive a warning from Ann-Marie Canning regarding "how close you were getting" to Charlie Leyland and Laura Payne durin election times. You were asked to take "more of a back seat", shall we say.
To deny such a thing brings into credibility 3 people whom I may disagree with some of their beliefs as I'm sure they do mine, but nevertheless, 3 people with great integrity and who attempt to work hard for the uni. It is true, I am afraid.
"Take a back seat"l, not within 100 yards at any time?
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