23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

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Photo Diary app wins York prize

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Know your Sabb: Student Activities

YUSU Elections 2009 02
Sunday, 8th March 2009
The Yorker talks to Student Activities Officer candidates Rory Shanks, Ella-Grace Kirton and Rhianna Kinchin.
  • Relevant Experience?

Rhianna Kinchin: I am the candidate who has recent relevant experience of being involved in Student Activities, as well as experience of working hard in the Union as YUSU Training Officer this year. I won the RAG Parade as Alcuin RAG Rep last year, I've sat on the RAG Committee for the past year, been Law Soc Treasurer, been involved in managing big events such as Summer and Freshers' Ball 2008, I've played Uni Hockey, been Hockey Club Social Sec, and I was Alcuin Sports Rep in my first year.

Ella-Grace Kirton: I didn't really start getting involved in anything extra-curricular until my second year when I volunteered for the York Carnival 2008. I ended up being Fundraising Manager on the committee and discovered how much I enjoyed being part of something that was outside of my degree and my social circle. Once that was over I got involved with Student Action and got elected as Student Action Week Coordinator, then People and Planet and Labour Club, for both of which I'm Press and Publicity officer. I was also elected onto YUSU Environment and Ethics committee, which I ran for because I wanted to be involved in my Union.

Rory Shanks: Position-wise I’ve been doing half of the role for the past eight months in my position of YUSU Societies & Communications Officer and previous to that I was the YUSU Entertainments Officer and Alcuin JCRC Treasurer. In short, I know the societies system inside out as well as a huge amount of their individual issues, I have run or organised a huge number of university events including AAA, Freshers’ Ball and Woodstock, I have inflicted some creativity on The Courtyard, Your Shop, our newsletter, the B Henry's campaign and much more. Finally I also run a language school in the summer, which is incredibly useful for the upcoming problems faced by Kids Camp.

  • Why are you running?

RK: I would absolutely love to do this job. And I really do think that because I enjoy Student Activities and I have in depth experience of working in YUSU I will add a lot to the Union. I think I want to be a lawyer at some point in my life, but I'm definitely not ready to be sitting in a dingy office in the City; I'd much rather be active and representing students here next year! I genuinely want to make sure students know what there is on offer in our university, and I know I've got the experience and focus to fight for our students on issues such as providing facilities on Hes East and keeping Kids Camp.

EGK: I think that an enormous part of having an enjoyable and productive time at uni is what goes on outside of your degree. Whether you're involved in raising money for charity, in volunteering or in a society of any description, the things you do now not only enhance your university experience but also impact on what you do in the future. I've certainly benefited hugely from all the things that I've been involved in and would really like the opportunity to give something back to the Union as well as to ensure that other students have just as good an experience as I did.

RS: I’m running because this next year is uncertain for Student Activities as a whole with the fact that two positions are now effectively becoming one, and I’d like to see forward the changes I’m about to implement next term in regards to the establishment of the Student Activities Office. Furthermore, I’d really like to get my teeth into RAG and Student Action with the experience I’ve built up in other areas and look at ways that we can help those wanting to raise money or volunteer.

  • Why should students vote for you?

RK: I have the energy for this role to make students excited about getting involved in Student Activities! I'll put on a second YUSU Fair in the Spring Term to make sure students don't miss out on signing up to Student Activities in the hungover rush of Freshers' Week. I think that this new role needs someone who will bring new exciting ideas, like big joint Sports and RAG fundraisers where teams run around on campus in a money collecting competition, and an Awards Night for all Student Activities. Students should vote for me because I'm hardworking and enthusiasic; I will bring you an exciting year!

EGK: There are three reasons why I'm a good candidate for this position. Firstly, my wide variety of experience means that I am in a good position to represent students who take part in a huge range of student activities. Secondly, I am open, fair and approachable, these three qualities being essential if the Union is going to try and close the gap between its officers and the rest of its members, which it needs to do in order to provide a good service to them. Too many students, even those enjoying the benefits of being members of ratified societies, or those involved in Student Action or RAG, feel distanced from YUSU. This brings me to the final reason why students should vote for me, which is that I have the policies to make this better, policies that will help those involved in activities to see that their sabb really is rooting for them.

RS: Students should vote for me because I’m a safe option that’s not boring. My poster explains what Nutritional Value I provide, but in short, I’m a fairly creative person that likes to solve problems and make things happen. And let me address the issue of a second-year sabb, which some people are unsure of. For the vast majority of other Unions, a second-year sabbatical is quite a common thing, because it ensures that the experience built up over a year can then be pushed forward into an even more productive second year. Here at York considering the constitution only allowed it for the first time very recently, we’re not used to second-year sabbs, with Matt Burton being the first. So having said that, let’s not shy away from it, because it really can mean great things for the Union in times to come.

  • The best thing I've done at uni is...

RK: Spending an evening looking after Taio Cruz at the Summer Ball last year! Ah, Taio! And winning the RAG Parade as Alcuin All Stars in my second year! AND running around campus last week covered in Special K facepaint with the Alcuin and Halifax College Chairs! I've had a lot of fun times...

EGK: Without meaning to sound cheesy, probably this campaign. It took a lot to get myself to even consider running for this position. I'm not a great public speaker and I get butterflies just thinking about asking someone I don't know to vote for me, but if I've learnt anything from the things I've done over the last few years is that there's nothing like putting yourself outside your comfort zone to get over these kinds of things. At the end of the day, even if my campaign bombs, I'll be really proud of myself for having somehow found the courage to give this a go, and know I would have really regretted it if I hadn't.

RS: Be involved in the Courtyard project. For the entirety of that project we were without a Union General Manager, meaning that our student sabb-team – and Matt and I in particular – had to take the reins of this incredibly complex project. We were aided by a fantastic project manager from the university, but I was lucky enough to be able to head up the creative side, which was great fun. It was really cool to see things that the designer and I drew on scrap bits of paper be made into proper menus, logos, signage or murals on the wall, and the feedback that we’ve had has been really great. Other than that, I always love events that bring societies together – Woodstock, Freshers’ Ball and AAA come to mind.

  • Any guilty pleasures?

RK: Persuading the lovely bar staff in The Courtyard to give me an extra free biscuit with my cup of tea... thanks Julius...

EGK: E4. Which is not really that guilty actually as I'm sure I'm not the only student who's spent way too many hours watching far too many reruns of old Friends episodes.

RS: Spicy snacks - and in particular, Nobby’s Nuts. I just can’t get enough of those chilli-coated ones.


  • Pirates or ninjas?

RK: Pirates

EGK: Pirates.

RS: Ninjas – definitely

  • YSTV or URY?



RS: YSTV – I am in love with these girls and boys. They do soooo much stuff to such a high standard and they’re one of our societies we should be so incredibly proud of.

  • Going out or staying in?

RK: Going out, particularly on a classy Wednesday night

EGK: Staying in, but only because I'm out so much that being at home is a luxury!

RS: Going out, unless I have to be up early, as I’m terrible at getting up.

  • Student Action or RAG?


EGK: Gotta be Student Action

RS: Student Action – I think there’s so much potential in what we’ve got at the moment and I’m keen to get stuck in.

  • Tea or coffee?

RK: Tea ... but really it's the Courtyard biscuit

EGK: Coffee, black and really strong

RS: Tea. Milk. One sugar.

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#1 Anonymous
Sun, 8th Mar 2009 5:43pm

go ella!

#2 Ella-Grace Kirton
Sun, 8th Mar 2009 6:12pm

cheers whoever that was!

#3 Anonymous
Sun, 8th Mar 2009 6:16pm

Rory stabbing TS in the back with that "ninjas" choice there...

#4 Anonymous
Sun, 8th Mar 2009 6:32pm

At least he knows where his media allegiances lay - go YSTV!

#5 Anonymous
Sun, 8th Mar 2009 11:24pm

"I won the RAG Parade as Alcuin RAG Rep last year"

Did Alcuin win last year?

#6 Rhianna Kinchin
Mon, 9th Mar 2009 4:51pm

Yes, Alcuin did win the RAG Parade last year! As I said, we were Alcuin 'All Stars' America...

#7 Anonymous
Mon, 9th Mar 2009 5:19pm

Wasn't that only the costume thing that Alcuin won? Didn't someone else raise the most money?

#8 Anonymous
Thu, 12th Mar 2009 1:41am

Wheter Alcuin raised more money than others is irrelevant. The whole point of the RAG parade is being involved in college spirit and college activities. Rhianna has been involved in so many different societies and college events (being a part of and organized). This all proves that she is undoubtably in touch with all aspects of what this job requires, she is not the one sitting in the office making decisions about these societies she is the one being part and making these societies what they are, therefore she is the best person for this job. Her fresh ideas for this job are based on expericence rather than second hand information.

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