23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

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Photo Diary app wins York prize

Friday, 20th January 2012

A group of York students has won the opportunity to have their very own I-phone application developed after winning The App Challenge final, held at the Ron Cooke Hub on Wednesday, January 18.


Students warned about loans scam

Thursday, 19th January 2012

YUSU Welfare officer Bob Hughes has warned students to be vigilant after a student loans phishing scam has been revealed.

Her Most Gracious Majesty

Queen Comes to York

Wednesday, 18th January 2012

Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting York on Maundy Thursday, 5th April, as part of the 800th anniversary of York’s Charter for the traditional “Royal Maundy” ceremony.

Berrick Saul

Flooding Triggers Network Outage On Eve Of Exams

Saturday, 14th January 2012

A flood caused by a heating system “failure” forced the university IT services to shut down many essential systems on Sunday night, causing problems for many students on the eve of their exams and assignment due-dates.

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Aimee and Kevin the Cow
Bomb Disposal Unit
Central Hall & North side of the lake
King's Manor
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Central Hall & North side of the lake

University of York makes 10:10 pledge

The 10:10 Campaign
Thursday, 18th February 2010
The University of York has officially signed up for the 10:10 Campaign, making a promise to cut its carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.

According to Megan Preston, People and Planet Secretary, “People and Planet has been running a 10:10 campaign since October” to urge “YUSU, the University and individual students to make this lifestyle-changing pledge”. Preston thinks that it is great that both YUSU and the University have made this pledge as a result of campaigning efforts by People and Planet and YUSU's Environment and Ethics.

Jason Rose, YUSU Campaigns Officer told the Yorker, “I think it's fantastic that student-led campaigns can bring about real commitment from the university.” According to Rose, the Environment and Ethics Officers have worked “tirelessly to persuade the university to cut emissions with an excellent campaign” and that this will “improve York's impact on the world.”

However, effort does not end with this pledge, rather, real work begins with it. Rebecca Leigh from People and Planet urges everyone to not “rest on our laurels” as it will be important to make sure the university does “honour its pledge to cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.”

People and Planet Chair Oliver Burnham told the Yorker that he hopes “to see the university live up to both the letter and the spirit of 10:10”. He also went one step further in hoping that the university will “continue to reduce their environmental impact beyond these 10% energy cuts and the end of this year.”

David Clarke and Jade Flahive-Gilbert, YUSU Environment and Ethics Officers also commend the University’s pledge to 10:10 as “a bold and ambitious commitment”. They told the Yorker that YUSU and the University are “planning for significant emissions reductions over the longer term.”

According to the University’s Press Office release, “supporting the 10:10 initiative underlines the University’s commitment to reducing its [negative] impact on the environment.”

Besides being confident that the University will be able to meet the 10:10 target, further efforts are underway to make the University of York the “first university to get comprehensive information on its complete carbon footprint”.

Professor Alastair Fitter, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research claims that the University is “at the forefront of research “ to improve our “understanding of climate change” and is “developing technologies that will be central to the creation of the low carbon economy of the future.”

Other efforts by the University include working closely with the Carbon Trust while building its new campus on Heslington East, and becoming a partner in the Centre for Low Carbon Futures.

The 10:10 campaign is supported by over 60,000 individuals and 2,000 businesses thus far, since launching in September 2009.

Preston encourages all students to visit the 10:10 website, http://www.1010uk.org/.* to sign up as individuals and to get tips on how to reduce his or her carbon footprint.

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