Aimee Howarth looks at the results from the motions and referendum
Aimee Howarth looks at the positions and candidates up for election in the GSA's elections this week
The motion for an “Alternative Freshers’ Week” put forward during YUSU’s last UGM has caused quite a stir within the college JCRCs. The Yorker speaks to both sides.
Aimee Howarth speaks to York student Cinthia Mena-Duran about her participation in a protest at the Mexican Embassy
Aimee Howarth speaks to The York Entrepreneurs about their annual competition, The Apprentice, which starts in week six of this term.
York is to hold a referendum on its NUS affiliation and Aimee Howarth looks at the debates on either side, alongside YUSU's other current motions.
Aimee Howarth looks at Novak Djokovic's successful start to the year, particularly on clay, as Roland Garros approaches.