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Friday, 2nd May 2008

23:57 The football team are being true professionals and eyeing up anything that moves in the Sugar House. No joy yet but stay tuned!

23:51 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Darts Men's 5-4

19:42 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Swimming Women's

19:42 York Win York Win! Swimming Men's

19:38 York Win York Win! Indoor Hockey Men's 1sts 2-3

19:37 York Win York Win! Skiing Women's 0-3

01:33 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Darts Women's 7-2

19:00 Ladies and gents, this blog will be finishing for the day as I'm going a bit dizzy and my stomach has begun to eat itself. A good night sleep and Sned and Greg (not sleeping together) will be as right as rain for the morning and a massive day of Roses action. The results will continue to come in while we're gone so no fear if you only want results and nothing to do with our version of 'banter'. See you in the morning Yorker viewers x

18:40 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Indoor Hockey Women's 1sts 12-0

18:09 The darts has begun and the women are on the oche. York darter Andy 'magic' Myhill predicts a carnival atmosphere later and a York victory.

01:33 Draw Draw! Karate Kata & Kumite 2-2

17:51 The final bows are taking place in karate, the football equivalent of shaking hands. The York girls won both their matches while the boys lost both.

01:33 York Win York Win! Indoor Hockey Men's 2nd's 3-4

17:43 Still to come/currently being played -

mixed squash, men's & women's 1sts indoor hockey, men's & women's swimming, men's & women's darts and karate.

I'm tired but the show must go on (and on and on and on ......)

17:30 In all the excitement I forgot to say it was men's hockey 2nds. York on the attack ooooooo what a goal from Newton. 4-2 to the Yorkie.

17:27 A thriller going on next to karate. York are hanging on to 3-2 lead but just conceded and are under pressure. Woooo I love sport.

17:23 Caroline first post was at 10.44 for any confused people.

17:21 Caroline update, she has accepted a friend request on Facebook. All is not lost, stay tuned for more on the love life of Sneddon (and some Roses).

17:21 York Win York Win! Skiing Mixed 2nds

17:11 I'm not really entirely sure how this karate works but you have to respect the athletes, they're all looking in good nick. Though I do respect them, a part of me would much prefer to just see them whack the gowns off and just brawl, no rules, last man standing. Is it just me who would find this more entertaining? Just let them go shirts off, toe to toe in the car park.

16:58 York skiing ladies, who have had such a strong season so far, thump Lancaster 3-0 over 3 legs with debut races for Charlie Kirkbride and Amy Ward. What a way to end the afternoon for YUSSC.

16:56 The karate kids are in town and there's more roundhouse kicks going on in this warm up than an episode of Walker Texas Ranger with Chuck Norris.

16:47 36-36, the predicted tight contest is coming into fruition. I've come to a quiet area of the sports centre now to escape the shouts of 'come on Yorkie' etc for a few minutes. I would like something to eat, but apparantly eating is for girls so I'm going without. There's a weird structure in one of the squash courts called an 'aeroball' which is an enclosed space over a trampoline. All I can say is that I hope the Sports Centre gets one when it's refurbished.

16:45 Another white rose victory as the 2nds make a couple of errors, but still finish 3-2 over 5 legs. The cowbell is ringing across the hill in celebration

16:41 This sports centre is all hustle bustle. I thought I would go to the karate to chill out but to no avail as it's one of the most spectated events.

01:33 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Indoor Hockey Women's 2nds 2-1

16:41 Last minute drama but nothing comes of it, 2-1 to Lancaster but there's still plenty of hockey to come, sports fans.

16:33 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Cricket Men's 2nds

16:32 Game on, can the girls come back? This isn't quite Liverpool v Milan but still, would be nice.

16:28 Into the second half and Lancaster have doubled their advantage in the women's indoor hockey.

16:26 In an ad-hoc interview football 3rd team captain Will Broadhurst is confident. The reason? A week long self-imposed sex embargo apparently!

16:16 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Skiing Snowboard 2-1

16:15 Richard Ramsbottom's board team lose narrowly 2-1 over 3 legs. Lancaster's team have had a full racing season whilst York went on dry slope for the first time 48 hours ago.

16:13 York Win York Win! Squash Men's 1sts

16:13 GGOOOAAALLL, but for Lancaster in the indoor hockey. 1-0 to Lancaster

16:08 York have clinched the squash match with two more rubbers to play. Talisman Twaddle was not even required before victory.

16:02 Thanks to anon 18 - with the competition so close hopefully this will drive them to compete even harder.

16:02 York win skiing 1sts race 4-1 over 5 legs without ever looking uncomfortable. A training injury to captain Max Hardy on Wednesday saw Ben Corby step into the team and lead them impressively.

16:00 York Win York Win! Equestrian 2nd Team

15:59 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Equestrian 1st Team

15:59 Draw Draw! Tennis Mixed

15:57 York Win York Win! Skiing Mixed 1sts 1-4

15:46 The women's indoor hockey is about to begin with a decently sized crowd. Banter is flying about like it's going out of fashion.

15:39 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Rugby Union 7's Men's 1sts 22-10

15:31 Another victory for York in the squash, 2 zip to the York boys and more points are within sight.

15:30 Just ran into the poker boys and 'The Joker' is fancying his chances of a victory tonight. Tonight sees the first ever Roses poker match, but it is being played as an exhibition.

15:21 The squash boys have won the first game and are well placed in the others currently playing. York's win was supplied by Tom Davenhill.

15:16 The 3pm coaches have left. Mobile football 3rds striker Tam Sherif isn't on board but apparently he's coming tomorrow so panic over.

15:11 York is catching up - could this be the start of a landmark victory? Will anon 6 have to eat his face?

15:10 York Win York Win! Rugby Union 7's Women's 1sts 5-14

15:09 York Win York Win! Rugby Union 7's Men's 2nds 12-32

15:07 Reports from the golf report a York victory by 2 games to 1. The golfers can drive York onto more success with this victory.

15:04 York Win York Win! Golf Pairs 1-2

14:48 In the thick of the action now in the sports centre, York squash maestro Matt Twaddle has said he is "confident" but would rather get quoted after his match. Fair play to the lad, lets hope he can follow up on the women's success on the court earlier.

14:48 York Win York Win! Rugby Union 7's Men's 3rds 17-24

14:34 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Rugby Union 7's Women's 2nd 32-0

14:29 Sneddon is in Lancaster. Repeat, Sneddon has arrived in Lancaster. He's paid and displayed in the car park and is "enjoying the sun".

14:23 Football guys are gathering in Goodricke to hop on the 3pm coach. UYAFC President Alex Richards has forgotten his sleeping bag but is still upbeat. When asked about the men's 11 a-side he said: "It's going to be close but after the season we've had we can definitely win all three games."

14:18 York Win York Win! Squash Women's 1sts

14:15 The darts team are on the way there and they'd rather be on a beach than going to Roses. Captain Adam Wingrove said: "We're going to win but it's going to be tight." This is despite them losing to Lancaster by only 1 point in the university tournament final last week - York is out for revenge

13:26 The cricket 1st team were out drowning their sorrows last night but the 2nds must have stayed in because they're bowling well in the first innings. More details to follow when our correspondent stops eating scones and starts telling us the score...

13:13 The last time Roses was won away was by York in 2002, before that was 10 years earlier in 1992. With Lancaster still 12 points ahead since last weekend's rowing but with 210 points yet to play for, do you think York can do it this year? Feel free to let us know your thoughts below.

13:11 Mike Sneddon is currently speeding along the M62 in his silver Clio to join the Yorker team in Lancaster. Traffic is clear so there's no reason why you can't come support your friends and drink lots!

13:06 Mixed bag in the golf so far, but a fairway (get it?) to go so fingers crossed for fore (too easy) more points.

12:28 For the latest overall score and info about how many points are on offer go to the Roses 2008 Fixtures & Results page.

12:18 Lancaster Lancaster Win! Ultimate Frisbee Mixed 14-5

12:11 York Win York Win! Badminton Mixed

12:09 York Win York Win! Badminton Men's 2nds

11:40 Anyone see the cricket yesterday? If you didn't you can read about it here

Suffice to say it was a thriller and battle has recommenced on the square with the men's 2nds.

11:29 Great research Chris, I feel like I've learnt something today.

11:25 With so much sport today, don't be suprised to see the lead change a few times over the course of the day.

11:09 The badminton boys and girls have done it for York, 6 points being won by the men's 2nds and mixed team. The comeback has begun.

10:59 Equestrian is due to start anytime now. Who would have thought York had such a team? From my research I have found they are extremely successful, ranking as the 6th best team in the country. Should be a comfortable victory.

10:49 Why is there the need for the word 'ultimate' in the sport ultimate frisbee? I know it makes it sound better but can a sport just whack an adjective in front of it to make it sound better? Anyway, the 'ultimate' frisbee action starts at 11 after York's victory in the event yesterday.

10:44 Not strictly to do with Roses here, but I was just wondering if Caroline from last night is reading and if she wants to send me her number as I may have lost it.

10:37 The pendulum is swinging back York's way in the badminton and the golfers should be getting their last practice swings in.

10:26 I'm already getting excited about the darts tonight, I've been reliably informed that there is entrance music, flashing lights and plenty of drink.

10:16 It's bbq weather here in York, assorted meats and buns are being bought from ASDA. Let's hope the weather stays nice in Lancaster, will be leaving soon.

10:09 As well as the badminton and the golf today, there's frisbee, an equestrian event, cricket squash, tennis, rugby, skiiing, indoor hockey, karate, swimming and darts. That's enough action for anyone, you would hope.

10:03 Currently the only action underway is the badminton and it's not looking too rosey for the York boys as they've lost the first set.

09:59 I managed to find this on the Golf Club, "The Golf Club has a restricted membership at Fulford Golf Club, a championship course that was home to the B&H International Open (currently at the Belfry) in the 1980s. The team normally consists of six highly motivated and talented individuals. Places are limited to 25, and preference is given to those playing off the lowest certified handicap." Nothing on when they started though sadly.

09:55 The weather in Lancaster is slightly overcast but there is hope for better weather later, fingers crossed for any outside sport players.

09:52 The golfers have a tee off at 10:45 but have managed to get lost on the way there.

09:42 Just watching Sky Sports News, there's no Roses updates on it so looks like you'll just have to stay here for all your Roses needs.

09:39 After yesterday's thriller in the cricket and the frisbee action, the current score is 20-6 to Lancaster but with 65 points available today, anything could happen.

09:31 Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages, The Yorker proudly brings to you its live interactive Roses coverage. With The Yorker team you can expect results, reports, quotes and much banter so keep hitting that refresh button to stay up to date.

Welcome to The Yorker's LIVE coverage of the main Roses 2008 competition weekend. We will be keeping you up-to-date on the latest Roses news and results throughout the weekend so make sure you keep checking back regularly!

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Showing 21 - 23 of 23 comments
#21 Anonymous
Fri, 2nd May 2008 11:36pm

we're in the lead!!!!

#22 Kirsty Denison
Fri, 2nd May 2008 11:59pm

"10:44 Not strictly to do with Roses here but i was just wondering if Caroline from last night is reading and if she wants to send me her number as i may have lost it."

hahaha! Come on Caroline, get in touch!

#23 Anonymous
Sat, 3rd May 2008 12:13am

not strictly to do with... how about not at all!!!

Showing 21 - 23 of 23 comments

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