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Alpha Female: The Shopaholic

Thursday, 11th December 2008
Every female, alpha or not, is undeniably attracted to shopping. Shopping is a woman’s favourite sport, her therapy in times of stress and an activity to bond over with her girlfriends. Sometimes seen as a woman’s weakness, but for the alpha female it is anything but…

It is a common perception (usually by men) that the process of shopping for a woman involves an imagined need for something, being distracted by something pretty/shiny/pink and immediately falling in love with it and then busting the bank on other equally useless things. Where this may be the case with some women, the experience for the alpha female is totally different.

Shopping for an alpha female is an expression of power and confidence. Long gone are the days where a woman had to wait for her other half to buy her expensive gifts. In this day and age, if we see something we want, we get it. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with accepting presents - guys reading this can still free feel to shower their ladies with gifts. My point is that nowadays, the independent woman has enough capital to support herself and her shopping addiction.

And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being addicted to shopping – it’s called retail therapy for a reason. Men sit in pubs and shout at the football on TV to unwind, women opt for buying nice things and beautifying themselves. It’s the Mars/Venus difference, right?

I’ve come to the realisation that shopping isn’t about actual needs but acquiring things that boost confidence. The opposite sex find this notion very hard to conceive. Whenever I’ve claimed that I need to go shopping for the “essentials”, the male response is “what, for tampons?” or some other equally moronic reply.

The alpha female’s shopaholic mentality is that it's OK to treat yourself to expensive things - it’s your money and therefore, your prerogative.

“But we’re poor students who can’t buy all the Jimmy Choos we want!” I hear you cry. Very true.

As a student, the issue of disposable income poses a problem. For the moment, we must rely on student loans and "Daddy Dearest" to feed our habits. However, the difference between a spoilt girly girl and an alpha female is that the alpha female will choose quality over quantity and remain true to her style, instead of running around in pink like a headless barbie thoughtlessly spending away.

And of course, one day the student alpha female shopper will grow into a successful spender with her own money and can indulge in all the shoes she desires.

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#1 Anonymous
Wed, 21st Jan 2009 8:59pm

The person who buys empty products draws down their ability to meet their basic needs in the future. There is no satisfaction to be had in these products. Transmitting a damaging demand to our global industry, e.g more impractical shoes rather than textbooks, merely leaves the global economic system perilously imbalanced. The result is desolation in families and degradation of the planetary environment and its capacity to nourish us.

#2 Anonymous
Tue, 27th Jan 2009 2:08pm

I'm not sure that impractical shoes are a damaging demand, certainly not in the same way that alcohol or cigarettes are.

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