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Two's company...but three's more fun

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Two's company...but what's missing?
Thursday, 14th May 2009
Ask a guy what his ultimate fantasy is and I am guessing that having a threesome is going to be pretty high up on the list. I am no different. It's something that you dream of but are well aware that it's most likely out of your grasp. You hear whispers and rumours that some guys have actually pulled it off but you never meet them so you never know if it is true.

My quest for a threesome started off at the beginning of the spring term. My friends and I decided that, in the spirit of fun, we should have a competition which entailed each of us being randomly assigned a task to complete with prizes and forfeits for the first and last guy to finish. The task I received was to take part in a threesome.

For much of the term I spent my time trying different ways to achieve the Holy Grail that is participating in The Threesome. How, I thought, am I going to persuade two girls to have a threesome with me? I say two girls because the thought of having a threesome with two guys and one girl really didn’t appeal to me. I thought that if I was going for a threesome I should try and live the fantasy in full.

After thinking about it a bit I decided to go for a bold approach. I thought that, seeing as it's uni, I should be able to find a few promiscuous girls who would be up for a threesome as much as I was, or were looking to broaden their sexual horizons. To be honest this plan didn’t go too well. I saw two girls in Gallery and after chatting to them for a few minutes I swung the conversation round to threesomes and asked if they would be interested.

Far from the response I was hoping for, they said that they were offended and undervalued that I thought they would have a threesome with me so easily. After asking them if they would feel a bit more valued if I bought them a VK to share, they left.

Sensing that this probably wasn’t the best method I decided to bide my time in the hope that an opportunity would arise. This opportunity came on St Patrick’s Day. After drinking more Guinness than I care to remember I stumbled into Tru where everyone seemed to be in a fairly similar state to myself. I saw two girls from my college so I went over and started to dance with them.

Before I knew it we were all pulling and I thought that I was in for the night of my life. Unfortunately that is not how it turned out to be as, for once, I did not manage to get them to come back to mine. At first I felt disappointed that I didn’t quite manage to pull it off but then I realised that I could have done a lot worse.

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#1 Jason Rose
Thu, 14th May 2009 8:56am

"After asking them if they would feel a bit more valued if I bought them a VK to share


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