Faye Priestley has rounded up the last of the sales bargains for guys
Introducing Modern Man's new columnist, who goes by the name of John Smith...
Nathan Blades shares his tips for successful Christmas shopping
James Tompkinson shares his experience of the all important Christmas shopping.
The name says it all, but this adaptation of an all-time classic boasts gorgeous graphics and is a relaxing way to spend a few minutes of your spare time.
If you ever thought Darth Vader always took himself just a little too seriously, have a look at what might have been. Star Wars as it should have been.
Darth Vader gets the blues
Darth Vader takes the piss
Apparently there are laws against dying in the house of parliament and eating mince pies on Christmas day. But what really is ludicrous is that an UKTV Gold survey on what laws "The British Public" think are ludicrous laws is considered news worthy.
So you think you don't care who Hugh Grant or Ron Jeremy have been out with? Use reading week to learn somthing useful and trace some celebrity love chains. See if you have the knowledge to spot which of the pairings are clearly made up too.
Note that the yorker takes no responsibility for the content of these sites.
Have you seen something interesting, cool or just plain weird on the web? Would you like to comment or complain about this column? Email me at dominic_freeston@theyorker.co.uk.
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