23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

What is this?

The news archive contains a list of every single article published on The Yorker in chronological order.


Selena Dhanak
Selena Dhanak
Deputy Lifestyle Editor
Selena joined the team in January 2008, writing for Features. She was elected joint Deputy Lifestyle Editor in May 2008.
E-Mail Address E-Mail: lifestyle@theyorker.co.uk


Viewing 11 - 20 of 20 articles

London on a low budget

Lifestyle - Getaway
Sun, 1st February 2009

This week's Getaway explores the excitement of London on a student sized budget!


Alpha Female: The Shopaholic

Lifestyle - Modern Man
Thu, 11th December 2008

Success and shopping - two things an alpha female thrives on

text flirting

Straight Talking

Lifestyle - Modern Man
Thu, 27th November 2008

The art of textual seduction - Alpha Female style

tanzania school

Many long off-road journeys, a bus crash and a case of appendicitis later, we arrived back in one piece, and I can safely say I’ve never learned so much about life in Tanzania in just six weeks

eco world

Top Tips for Eco-Friendly Freshers

Lifestyle - Health and Beauty
Mon, 20th October 2008

How to be environmentally friendly and still enjoy being a fresher!

cape town

A breakdown of Cape Town

Lifestyle - Getaway
Sat, 14th June 2008

With sun, sea, mountains and penguins, Cape Town promises to have it all.


The Yorker investigates the extreme allergies that you may not have heard about...

Hair Straighteners

Bad hair week

Lifestyle - Miss Quit
Sat, 24th May 2008

In what may be her biggest challenge yet, Miss Quit ditches the heat and goes au naturale. Can a girl survive without her GHDs, or will she succumb to hair hell? Cue the curls…

Student Action logo

Students get in touch with artistic side

News - University News
Thu, 15th May 2008

Students at York are to demonstrate their artistic talent with the arrival of the Student Action mural.


The student life isn't an easy ride. With workloads mounding, it can be difficult to find effective ways to relax. With this in mind, we sent Selena Dhanak in search of the alternative remedies to de-stress...

Viewing 11 - 20 of 20 articles