23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

York minster

10 Things Freshers Must Do in York

Saturday, 23rd October 2010

Rebecca Pedley gives the ultimate fresher's guide to York.

Liberate yourself

All Work and No Play? Part 2

Thursday, 9th September 2010

In the concluding part of James Carney's thoughts on fresher living, he debates sex, flu and memories.


All Work and No Play? Part 1

Tuesday, 7th September 2010

In the first part of a two piece feature, James Carney discusses first year life, and the balance between work and everything in between.


How not to fail your first year

Friday, 3rd September 2010

Cem Turhan gives his top tips on how not to fail your first year, with first-hand experience.

Uni students

Don't forget to bring...

Fresher's things to bring
Multiple suitcases required
Wednesday, 18th August 2010
The Internet is full of lists of things that you should bring to university, and a lot of it seems very obvious. Toothbrush? Er, yes. But what about the more unusual items? This is by no means an exhaustive list of things you need to take to uni, and there will always be the annoying bits you forget and need to buy, but it should help you on your way.

What to bring

Fancy dress – This is a staple of any student night out, particularly during Freshers' Week, when there will be more school discos and neon rave parties than seems humanly possible. It’s a good idea to stock up on some cheap costume elements that can be reused, you can always buy when you get here of course, but you may find some basic things at home. Bring an old school tie, some cheap face paints and an old white sheet (for toga parties, doubles up as ghost for Hallowe'en too) and you should hopefully be sorted for a while. Though inevitably at the end of the year you’ll be astonished as to how much themed junk you will have acquired.

Door stop – It sounds simple, but the easiest way to get to know people during Freshers’ Week is to keep your door open ready for socialising. If you barricade yourself in your room, most people won’t knock because of politeness or shyness. Owning a door stop isn’t strictly necessary but you might find it tiresome having to drag something heavy over every time you want to keep the door open.

DVDs – Despite the general view of Freshers’ Week, it’s not 24/7 partying. There will be times when you and your flatmates will simply want to all squash into one room and watch a film, preferably with microwave popcorn. Don’t bother bringing your whole collection, but select a few to share with your new flatmates.

Pins/Blu-tack/Post-it notes – Not the most exciting of items, but stationery is essential and often forgotten about. Buy them cheap at home (Rymans do 10% discount with an NUS card) instead of having to buy them when you get to York. It’s a good idea to put Post-it notes with your names on the room doors, so you can learn where everyone lives. They won’t be needed for long and it does save the embarrassment of knocking on someone’s door and realising you’ve forgotten their name.

Earplugs – You never know who you’re going to get as a neighbour, and student room walls are, inevitably, very thin. So unless you want to endure thrash metal or the sounds of a one night stand every night, earplugs might be a wise investment.

Sewing kit – It doesn’t have to be a vast basket containing all the colours of thread under the sun, but it’s worth getting a small sewing kit containing a needle, a few colours of thread and some buttons. Depending on the size, you can get ones costing £5. Instead of having to wait until the holidays when your mum can fix it or buying afresh, you can easily sew up a hole yourself, saving time and money.

Smart clothes for potential interviews – It’s easy to forget about smart clothes when packing, but if you want to get a part-time job in York, a smart pair of trousers and a shirt will be essential for interviews. Don’t forget CVs and references either, as well as your National Insurance number.

USB stick – This is essential for backing up your work and transferring to a university computer in order to print, especially if you don’t own your own printer. A 2GB stick will only set you back around £10–£15 and could save you the many hours of frustration that come with losing an essay.

What not to bring –

TV – It will stop you doing work, needs a £100 license and most of the programs it supplies can be easily watched on the Internet catch-up services.

Posters – Don’t bother bringing these from home unless you have a particular favourite because there are poster sales throughout the year on campus, especially during Freshers’ Week. Cheap and colourful, they make any room feel a bit more like home.

Printer – Costly, unwieldy and prone to error, personal printers are only for those who don’t want to walk the short distance to the nearest campus computer room and print there. You also get given a certain amount of free printer credit every term.

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#1 Bryony Holleran
Fri, 20th Aug 2010 1:06am

I disagree with the idea of not bringing a printer. If you're like me and need to print things off daily, it a lot easy and faster than dragging your folders to a computer room.

#2 Cieran Douglass
Fri, 20th Aug 2010 12:00pm

Just to point out, TVs don't need a £100 license. You only need pay the license if you plan to watch live TV, and fact is in the halls at York there's next to no signal. One of my flatmates ended up rigging a proper great big house aerial to his ceiling with string and pins, and even then he only got some freeview channels.

If you just want it for DVDs or video games then it's fine...

#3 James Hodgson
Fri, 20th Aug 2010 2:27pm

You should have added elastoplasts, sudocrem, general first-aid, etc. because some genius always cuts/burns themself when drunk/cooking. Umbrellas and winter boots also pay-off when the weather gets nasty.

Good Lord, I sound old...

#4 Anonymous
Tue, 7th Sep 2010 8:41pm

When using earplugs don't forget that they might make you miss your alarms in the morning - I have a few friends who lost some good lectures that way!

#5 James Carney
Tue, 7th Sep 2010 11:45pm

Bring soap.
Definitely bring soap.
I made the mistake of forgetting to bring soap.
I didn't know where any shops were.
It took me four days to buy soap.
Bring soap.

I should probably have posted this anonymous.

#6 Anonymous
Wed, 8th Sep 2010 12:34am

If you bring massive speakers with a subwoofer, just remember you're in a building with people either side of you, below you and above you. I ended up HATING a few people thanks to their appaulling and loud music tastes.

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