A group of York students has won the opportunity to have their very own I-phone application developed after winning The App Challenge final, held at the Ron Cooke Hub on Wednesday, January 18.
YUSU Welfare officer Bob Hughes has warned students to be vigilant after a student loans phishing scam has been revealed.
Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting York on Maundy Thursday, 5th April, as part of the 800th anniversary of York’s Charter for the traditional “Royal Maundy” ceremony.
A flood caused by a heating system “failure” forced the university IT services to shut down many essential systems on Sunday night, causing problems for many students on the eve of their exams and assignment due-dates.
Grace Fletcher-Hackwood has been voted out of her position by only 8 votes.
1440 votes were cast, an unprecedented total for a Union General Meeting (UGM) vote.
The vote passed by just a 0.5% majority.
The results were announced to campus press at 12.40pm, and YUSU have announced: "YUSU are able to announce that the motion has passed and that Grace will leave her position with immediate effect."
I'm delighted by the result, I think the students have spoken.
The unprecedented step leaves YUSU without a welfare representative, until either Fletcher-Hackwood launches an appeal, or a replacement is found.
The likely replacement would be the Academic and Welfare Officer-elect, who would not be voted in until Week 9 during the YUSU Elections.
The students have spoken on this one, though the result was very, very close.
Should Fletcher-Hackwood wish to appeal, she would have to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM.)
Dan Taylor, who proposed the motion, and was the student involved in the incident told The Yorker: "I'm delighted by the result, I think the students have spoken and I thank Grace for the work she has done in the past but this incident has impaired her abilities to do the job in the future."
Fletcher-Hackwood spoke on her 'Your:Support' radio show on URY and said: "The no confidence vote was put through by a student who has made it one of his missions at university to... well, perhaps to destroy me is too strong a way of putting it. But Dan wanted me out of this job and he has succeeded."
She also revealed that she hadn't yet decided whether or not to appeal but added: "I'm grateful for the amount of support I've had."
Grace will leave her position with immediate effect.
Anne-Marie Canning, YUSU President, said: “The students have spoken on this one, though the result was very, very close. The outcome does worry me, because we’re now without an Academic & Welfare Officer and aren’t likely to have the job covered until July."
Canning added: "However, we’re confident that we can make sure that students don’t lose out – it’s just going to mean more pressure on Union Officers and staff."
Should Fletcher-Hackwood successfully appeal, the alternative motion to censure Fletcher-Hackwood, which received 688 votes 'For' whilst 488 voted 'Against', would stand instead. It would result in her being disciplined, but would allow her to retain her post.
All other motions passed, including a controversial decision to make Women's Committee 'Open to all'.
Those requiring Welfare support should contact Mel Nichol, Academic and Welfare Co-ordinator on mjn500@york.ac.uk or at her office in the YUSU building.
Doubtless this will get hundreds of comments. But before the avalanche lets not forget that she is only human.
York University's most hated man makes sense - kudos to Adam Thorn.
Congratulations to John Lewis on being appointed York's new academic and welfare officer.
How has a department store become Academic and Welfare Officer?
Let's not confuse things. There's currently not an Academic and Welfare Officer. Students requiring welfare support should contact Mel, the Academic and Welfare Co-Ordinator.
I think it's a real shame- Grace was a brilliant Ac&Welf Officer, and this outcome will only leave the students worse off. All the students, that is, except Dan Taylor, who can now claim to have the biggest ego on campus.
I would begin by saying I am happy with the result and I think that the students of this proud University have spoken in great number. This is fantastic for University democrary.
However, let us not be boastful in victory but humble. I thank Grace for the positive work for some people she has given to the position of Academic and Welfare Officer, however the incident- extremely serious in nature for someone in her position and job title, impared her ability to do this with any credibility, integrity or effectivness in the future. Grace has had the consequences of her actions catch up with her, and once more, I am delighted by the result and thanks for my support team who had conviction in what theyr believed and recognised the fundamental error made by the YUSU representative. The tide has turned.
Dan Taylor.
On what basis would an EGM be called? Surely the only reason would be a technical or procedural failure of the voting system? Is there any suggestion that this has happpened? Sam?
I'm calling for a Tumultuous Superordinary General Meeting. It is good that the students all came out to vote. In my opinion it is good that she got the sack. However, it is a pity that all this started because Dan Taylor was a self-satisfied t*sser. Maybe he should concentrate on his writing and people skills before attacking anyone else he doesn't like.
Good to see that Dan is so "humble" in his victory lol. Well done. Why was a censure not good enough? I wonder how far this would have gone if you hadn't constantly been stirring things up because of a personal vendetta.
If both "campaigns" hadn't happened and the simple facts had been reported I believe there would have been a different outcome here.
But anyway, it's done now. Good luck to YUSU finding a replacement and good luck to Grace whether she decides it's worth appealing or not.
Lewis - a sabbatical officer can call an EGM for any reason - it's seen as a right to appeal basically. The team are still discussing what is right to do in this situation. At the moment we're not aware of any system failures that would have any influence on that decision. We'll have an announcement in the next few days (sorry to disappoint you 24-hour a day news hungry people).
Thanks Sam...Apologies...the time difference makes me a bit more news hungry than the rest!!
I think that people who come on here and criticise Dan are petty, and they themselves are self-satisfied t*ssers.
Regardless of Dan's personality, his views or his role in the incident that sparked all this, Grace's actions were extremely serious.
Primarily, they ruin her position to talk to students and campaign on issues of violence - she, in effect, became a hypocrite. This also applies to sensible drinking.
Secondly, her response to dismiss or down play her actions due to physical differences between herself and Dan, and also due to personal differences between the two, was appalling. In no way would a man get away with hitting a woman if he was smaller than her! Size is no excuse, something Grace should agree with. Yet she appeared to disbelieve this in her statements to the press.
Finally, one must be realistic – her actions, committed by any person in the ‘adult’ world would have very serious consequences. A member of staff was sacked at my school for striking a pupil; the strike being a clip around the ear. No matter what your opinion, it is accepted today that violence from people in responsible positions – in fact, from anyone at all – it generally unacceptable. Grace’s failure to resign, as would have been appropriate, has led to this drawn out process and all the suffering she and her family have apparently had to endure.
Regardless of Dan Taylor, Grace’s actions resulted in this. Dan may not have acted like Mother Teresa, but this whole process was a result of Grace’s failing ultimately.
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.
more importantly, are we now graduating in the minster or not?
I have remained silent for long enough and now I am going to have my say.
Grace apologised the next morning and what's more- you accepted that apology. What did that mean to you exactly? Do you have no honour?
I am much older and wiser than you, Dan and firmly believe that what goes around, comes around- yin and yang, if you like. I think you will prove over the years to be your own worst enemy - and believe me I shall take great satisfaction in seeing you 'fall from Grace'(pun intended). Indeed, I shall be watching you career with great interest, Dan.
My daughter is amazing, as the people who truly know her will agree. She comes from a family of very strong women, who know how to bouce back and move on. Please don't for a minute think she is defeated; she is not. I will leave you with a quotation from Gandhi- I'm sure you have heard of him.
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murders, and for a time they may seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always."
We shall overcome, Dan.
Sue Fletcher-Hall.
Mrs Fletcher Hall,
While your statement is touching and true in parts, it is, unfortunately irrelevant.
Regardless of the morality of any of it, Its pretty clear what York Students (the people who, after all, Grace represents) wanted. They wanted her to resign. The vote shows that, and if she has any honor, she'll accept that.
"Regardless of the morality of any of it, Its pretty clear what York Students (the people who, after all, Grace represents) wanted. They wanted her to resign."
0.5% of a difference doesn't seem "pretty clear" to me.
Its democracy; its a digital state. Either motion passes or it doesn't. I wonder if you'd say the same thing if it was 8 votes the other way?
Less than two hours after losing her job, Grace Fletcher Hackwood presented YOUR:Support Live on ((URY)). She discussed the UGM and gave her reaction to the motion of no confidence being passed. You can listen again to the show at http://ury.york.ac.uk
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