23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

autonomous weapons

Raining death: Terminator-like reality?

Sunday, 15th January 2012

Kieran Lawrence looks at autonomous weapons and the effect they could have on modern warfare

Angela Merkel

Leader Profile: Angela Merkel

Wednesday, 11th January 2012

Continuing a series on world leaders, Miles Deverson takes a look at Angela Merkel

Rick Santorum

US Blog: Iowa told us nothing and New Hampshire might do the same

Tuesday, 10th January 2012

Ben Bland examines the fallout from the Iowa caucuses and looks forward to the New Hampshire primaries.


Leader Profile: Nicholas Sarkozy

Monday, 9th January 2012

In the first of a series on world leaders, Miles Deverson takes a look at Nicholas Sarkozy

David Cameron
James Murdoch
Blue Duck Christmas
Christmas tree
Christmas bauble
Kim Jong-Il
Hamid Karzai
Nick Clegg
White House

A glance across the globe - Part 1

Sunday, 6th February 2011
Written by Kate Ceuroll

Lebanon: Hezbollah-backed Najib Mikati is appointed Lebanese Prime Minister, despite numerous demonstrations by thousands of supporters of outgoing Prime Minister Saad Hariri in the city of Tripoli as part of a "day of rage", with smaller protests also reported in Beriut. Protesters have expressed their alarm at Hezbollah's growing political power, accusing the Iran-backed group of staging a "coup" - after it brought down the Western-backed government earlier this month. Lebanon's national unity cabinet collapsed on 12 January after a row over a UN tribunal investigating the 2005 murder of Rafik Hariri, the father of Western-backed caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

Russia: A bomb ripped through Moscow's Domodedovo airport - the busiest in the Russian capital, killing at least 35 people. Some 170 people were injured in the blast, which reports suggest was the work of a suicide bomber, prompting officials to insist Russia needs Israeli-style airport security in the wake of a suspected suicide bombing in Moscow. The suspected perpetrators are militant groups from the North Caucasus. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has taken a hard line, saying that "retribution is inevitable".

Palestine: Palestinian officials are currently searching for the source who leaked confidential papers from the Mid-East peace process, with intelligence agents reportedly searching computer files at a support office for the Palestinian negotiators. The documents suggested Palestinian leaders were prepared to back down on the right of return for Palestinian refugees, severely limiting the number of those allowed to return to Israel, with Palestinian leaders insisting the disclosures had been taken out of context.

UK: Whilst in the UK; the economy has suffered a shock contraction of 0.5% in the last 3 months of 2010, with the recent severe weather as the cause. The figures are set to raise concerns over prospects for the economy, with large public spending cuts expected to come in this year. However Chancellor, George Osbourne has insisted that despite the disappointing numbers, the government would not be "blown off course" from its austerity programme.

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