23rd January
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Snow vs. Student

Heels in snow
Heels in snow can be dangerous...
Friday, 10th December 2010
I, for one, am generally very critical about Britain’s inability to deal with the arrival of snow.

Call me cynical but we are familiar with the concept of winter and the cold weather that this time of year brings – does snowfall really have to make the national news, year after year?

However, a year ago, I became a university student. Therefore, the recent arrival of snow was greeted with the typical student enthusiasm that we have towards all useless ways of spending our time. But a few snowmen later and after several failed attempts at makeshift sledges, our love affair with snow was over. Unlike the rest of the world, this was not because the snow left us stranded on the motorway for several hours, or prevented us from getting to work. No, it was far more serious – it impacted upon our student lives and, shock horror, our student experience...

1. No taxis

We are not stupid enough to walk to Ziggy’s in this weather. But we are too stupid to stay at home. “What are we meant to do?” was the horrified cry down the phone to the taxi service when we were told that they could not reach us in this weather. How would we get to Ziggy’s?!

2. No Ziggy’s

With no means of transportation, the prospect of queuing in the snow, probably in fancy dress, is a real challenge for even the most hardcore of students. And that is if we can walk there without freezing to death/breaking a leg. Kudos to those who managed it though.

3. No Seminars. Just Joking. They are still going ahead.

Oh the irony! You assume that in this weather, your seminar tutor who lives miles away will not possibly be able to make it. This is until you get an enthusiastic email, in plenty of time, to assure you that he will be there. This means you have a lot of reading to do, and have to rush to the library...

4. No Library

So we all believed that as long as the books are there, the library is good to go. However, because of something to do with the staff not being able to get there/get home (self service, anyone?), that is not the case. Unfortunately, no library means no books and life slowly begins to grind to a halt...

5. No Food

As the snow came on the day that you were due to go food shopping, you are forced to buy your food on a day-to-day basis, paying a lot more money for the privilege of using the local shop with the least selection.

6. No Social Life

As students start to admit defeat and go into hibernation, Facebook Chat becomes essential as you crave contact with the outside world. But hey, at least you will get to see people in your seminar which is definitely going ahead, despite the snowy weather...

7. Seminar Cancelled

So you’ve wrapped up warm and risked life and limb to make it to your seminar in time. However, it turns out that your tutor is stuck on the motorway and will not be able to make it after all. You curse as you try and return the books that you had to buy from a book shop because the library was closed. Isn’t student life hard?

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#1 Cat Bennett
Fri, 10th Dec 2010 4:52pm

Haha; I love this!

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