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Royal Wedding liveblog

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Friday, 29th April 2011
Elections Night 2011

13:33 Well folks, that's it for the Royal Wedding liveblog. I hope you've enjoyed it...now let's all get drunk on Pimms and sing Rule Britannia.

13:30 I really really want Wills to defy convention and just dip Kate over for a massive tonguey snog. Go on lad.

13:29 Another kiss! Gosh you spoil us.

13:28 Can't hear a word Jake Humphrey is saying. Awkward.

13:27 A small kiss. What an anticlimax. Where's the orgy of snogging?

13:26 They're waving beautifully, years of training obviously.

13:25 Here they come!

13:22 There's a crazy lady with a hat with pictures of the Royal Family on. Getting impatient for the balcony kiss now.

13:17 All the crowds shown on TV are all pretty amiable so far. Where are the anti-royalists?

13:11 Fearne Cotton is talking to a man in a suit of armour. How eccentric we British are! Guffaw.

13:03 And now they're singing. Madness but cute madness. Out of key but we don't care.

13:02 The man from Rogue Traders is talking to an old man with Union Jack glasses. It doesn't get more exciting than this.

12:52 Edith Bowman is making cocktails with a crowd of people. And this is related...how?

12:49 Policemen gently kettle royalist crowds. No fire bombs here though.

12:48 What brilliant afros these soldiers have. Oh they're hats. If only they were afros.

12:45 Cut to American kids. More time filling.

12:42 Just saw a Malaysian flag in the background...slightly relevant I guess.

12:40 I forgive him though, because he's Simon Schama.

12:36 Simon Schama is here! Filling in the time with more banalities.

12:33 We're talking about fans' packed lunches now. Good lord.

12:33 Oh joy Fearne Cotton is reporting in the crowd. Banality ensues.

12:31 A whole load of coaches have arrived. Are there pensioners inside or something?

12:29 Into Buckingham Palace, playing God Save The Queen. Patriotism overflow.

12:26 OK we're ready for the balcony scene now. Will they kiss or not? Place your bets now.

12:23 Harry's stuck in the children's carriage. Bless.

12:19 I swear British policemen have the most ridiculous of all police uniform. No wonder no-one can take us seriously.

12:18 The Queen looking happy as usual in her carriage. Cheer up love.

12:17 They've entered the Horse Guard's Parade, and William and Kate must be tired of waving and saluting by now.

12:13 Let's just hope none of the horses bolt. That could be embarassing.

12:09 A carriage fit for any gypsy bride. But where are the fairy lights?

12:09 Here they come, emerging from the Abbey. Bells are ringing, fountains are flowing with wine, crowds are cheering.

12:07 Harry and Kate's sister are obviously meant to be. The best man always gets with the bridesmaid anyway, that's tradition right?

12:05 The Queen looks mildly happy as they go past down the aisle. That's as good as it's going to get from her.

12:05 Finally the happy couple has emerged, to triumphant trumpet fanfare.

12:03 What ARE they doing in there? Having a tea party?

12:01 More Facebook quotes: "They're heading into the Shrine of Edward the Confessor- wasn't he the gay one? Awkward." - Lawrence Anderson

11:56 David Cameron and Nick Clegg sitting together with their wives, looking as comfortable as a fish on a bicycle.

11:54 So they're officially married. They just need to sign the documents, but we're not allowed to see that. Instead we get Huw Edwards giving us a guided tour of Westminster Abbey accompanied by soaring classical music.

11:53 Kate's mum looks like she's just been led to the gallows. The Queen doesn't have to sing obviously.

11:52 God Save Our Queen - what a tune.

11:50 Marvellous. Spiffing. Top notch.

11:48 Davey C looks like he's about to cry. Or explode, either way he's putting a lot of effort into the song.

11:48 They're singing Jerusalem. I feel proud to be British.

11:47 The Archbishop of Canterbury has the most dulcet voice. I want him to read me a bedtime story.

11:40 All the choir boys have the same haircut. It's a little creepy.

11:39 Housemate: "Did he just say, 'and all the Libyans watching today?'"

11:36 The Queen looks asleep...someone nudge her.

11:33 "In a sense, every day is a royal wedding..." Well, no. Not really.

11:32 Awkward moment after the song where no-one's sure whether to clap or not. They don't.

11:29 The choir are singing 'This is the day' by John Rutter. The little boys are incredibly cute in their starched collars.

11:25 Facebook quote of the day: "Did Saruman just marry William and Kate?" - Ellie Holloway

11:23 Elton John and his partner singing along with gusto. Plus views of Nick Clegg and Kate's sister looking distraught. There's still Harry for you, don't worry.

11:22 Some insane hats in this church. I'm not sure God would approve.

11:20 Anyone else think the Archbishop's hat looks like he's just knocked it up out of cardboard?

11:18 Slight struggle to get the ring on there. Put your back into it Wills.

11:16 We're placing bets on how long it takes Kate to cry.

11:15 SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING. Oh a cough. Disappointing. I wanted Harry to stand up and yell "Because she's having my baby!"

11:13 Still can't shake the feeling that this is an Eastenders wedding. I'm expecting someone to faint/die/reveal a secret pregnancy.

11:11 Someone's got a hat that makes them look a bit like a unicorn. More screen time for her please.

11:10 It's getting a bit like Songs Of Praise, I want the lyrics to appear at the bottom of the screen.

11:09 Wills has seen Kate, he looks very pleased and they share small smiles. I've gone all gooey inside.

11:05 The music, the trees, the dress - it's all getting pretty emotional here.

11:04 Here comes Wills, looking very regal in red. Shame about the receeding hairline.

11:03 Kate is ready to go down the aisle. It's the moment every film and soap loves.

11:01 A Sarah Burton designed dress - poofy, lacey, long train, hair down, veil. She's softened even my cynical heart.

11:00 The big moment...she's arrived at Westminster Abbey.

11:00 From the small glimpse we've seen of it, Kate's dress is white and lacey. Breaking news as it happens people.

10:58 The amount of screaming going on, you'd think it was the Oscars. Red carpet, photographers, endless analysis on their outfits...yep, it's the Royal Red Carpet Show.

10:56 Cute bridesmaids! And little page boys who are obviously hating their outfits.

10:54 "Is she nervous? Well..of course she is." Thanks for that Huw.

10:53 Her hair is down, her hair is down. Now we can all rest easy now we know this.

10:52 Her wedding gown train is stuffed into the car onto her father's lap. Much like Big Fat Gypsy Weddings except without all the glitter and giant carriages.

10:51 A tiny glimpse of Kate getting into the car...Huw Edwards tries to make this small moment dramatic.

10:49 The Queen manages to get out of the wrong side of car leaving a footman holding the door open for no-one. Eccentric royals eh?

10:46 Posh car after posh car is going up the road to Westminster Abbey. The crowds are waving Union Jacks with enthusiasm but how will they fare after a few hours of it?

10:45 Camilla Parker-Bowles ascends the red carpet with Charles looking very military and regal. Not quite your turn yet Charles.

10:43 OK place your bets - is Kate going to be wearing a poofy or straight dress?

10:42 Here comes the Queen...in beautiful lemon yellow. Not trying to upstage Kate are we?

10:41 Hello and welcome to The Yorker blogs the Royal Wedding! Stay with us if you're in the library and need your fix of royal wedding mania.

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#1 Cat Bennett
Fri, 29th Apr 2011 11:52am

You know it says 'Elections Night' at the top of this page?

#2 Robin Ganderton
Fri, 29th Apr 2011 2:26pm

I'm sure we're here rather than, you know, an actual newspaper -- or even the TV!

#3 Anonymous
Fri, 29th Apr 2011 2:50pm

You're right, why does The Yorker even bother reporting news or even writing anything at all? Let's just shut it down now, there's no need for it when we have newspapers and the TV. In fact let's shut down all student journalism outlets!

#4 Anonymous
Fri, 29th Apr 2011 3:58pm

right on 3!

#5 Gillian Love
Sat, 30th Apr 2011 4:08pm

Which begs the question why you are deigning to comment at all ... #4, major irony detection fail.

Enjoyed the liveblog, Lizzy, a nicely sardonic foil to Huw's saccharine commentary.

#6 Anonymous
Sat, 30th Apr 2011 4:48pm
  • Sat, 30th Apr 2011 5:39pm - Edited by the author

haha i think it's you who missed the irony love, or was that also an ironic comment about #4? as clearly they were agreeing with #3 but hey, maybe my irony radar is on the blink too

#7 Amy Lee
Sat, 30th Apr 2011 11:13pm
  • Sat, 30th Apr 2011 11:14pm - Edited by the author

Actually, Gillian Love, major irony detection fail? Fail within a fail comment. Brill...

#8 Gillian Love
Sun, 1st May 2011 5:10pm

Hmm debatable...I'll trust my instincts though.

#6, Don't address me in that fashion. It doesn't fly.

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