23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

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Photo Diary app wins York prize

Friday, 20th January 2012

A group of York students has won the opportunity to have their very own I-phone application developed after winning The App Challenge final, held at the Ron Cooke Hub on Wednesday, January 18.


Students warned about loans scam

Thursday, 19th January 2012

YUSU Welfare officer Bob Hughes has warned students to be vigilant after a student loans phishing scam has been revealed.

Her Most Gracious Majesty

Queen Comes to York

Wednesday, 18th January 2012

Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting York on Maundy Thursday, 5th April, as part of the 800th anniversary of York’s Charter for the traditional “Royal Maundy” ceremony.

Berrick Saul

Flooding Triggers Network Outage On Eve Of Exams

Saturday, 14th January 2012

A flood caused by a heating system “failure” forced the university IT services to shut down many essential systems on Sunday night, causing problems for many students on the eve of their exams and assignment due-dates.

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Red Phone
King's Manor
Aimee and Kevin the Cow
Bomb Disposal Unit
Central Hall & North side of the lake
King's Manor
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Central Hall & North side of the lake

Really know your Chair: Vanbrugh

Vanbrugh elections
Vanbrugh JCRC elections now complete
Wednesday, 12th December 2007
Leading on from the 'Know your Chair' articles last week, The Yorker has tracked down the recently elected Vanbrugh JCR Chair, Matt Oliver, to bring you further insight into the man himself.

Article by Joe Butler

With Vanbrugh JCR elections now complete, The Yorker has questioned Matt Oliver, putting him in the shoes of an ‘agony aunt’ to see how he deals with some of those troublesome issues that plague many an innocent student…

I’ve recently met someone and she is all I could ever want. Understanding, attentive, loving… The list could go on forever. There is one little snag though, she is a Goose, what do you think I should do?

Well, the University's policy on touching, stealing, abducting, harassing geese and other water fowl is quite strong, so keep an eye out on that front, wouldn't want to be expelled. The course of true love doesn't run smooth though, and if this girl's the Goose for you, I strongly recommend running/waddling away into the sun together to a place where you can be together free from the stigma attached to Goose/human relationships. You guys deserve to be happy.

As everyone knows, the aliens have landed. I’m so sure of this fact for the simple reason I was recently abducted. I have no recollection from 10:00pm until 11:00am the following day, my head feels like it’s going to explode and I have brief flashbacks of some kind of probing going on. What do you think I should do about all of this?

Well, that more or less depends on whether you enjoyed the whole experience or not...if you did, I would recommend following the exact same procedures and try and induce them to probe you again...in the name of science of course.

A week ago I took a swim in the lake for a bet. Some weird things are now happening to me, my fingers and toes are becoming webbed and I’m always thirsty. I’ve heard some strange stories but this has me quite worried, what do you think I should do?

I would give you advice on the memory front, but if the current changes you seem to be experiencing continue i'm sure you wouldn't remember any advice I gave for very long!

I have always enjoyed my late night forays in the library, that is, until recently. For the past few nights there have been inexplicable groaning noises coming from one of the far bookshelves. I’m too scared to investigate, I’m sure it’s just a lost animal or something… what should I do?

Hmmm, that's a tricky one. If it's a lost animal it probably is just looking for a way out, I think the best course of action is probably to replicate the noises it's making as loudly as you can so that the creature can hear you and see if you can coax the poor lost beast out into the open.

I recently did a naked calendar shoot for charity, because of my roguishly good looks and firm buttocks; I’ve received a lot of unwanted attention from some admirers. Unfortunately, one is my best mate. What do I do?

I too have experienced a similar problem there, so I can sympathise (check out the Vanbrugh Football Naked Calendar for Cancer Research for more details - shameless plug there). It's just one of the drawbacks of fame that sometimes you get types of attention that you just don't want. I think you should sit down seriously with your friend and explain that you understand how he/she feels but that you are famous and therefore are a higher form of life than he/she is and that because of that you just don't feel the same.

A prospective 2008/2009 SU president hopeful is a close friend of mine. He is known to be, shall we say, quite outspoken with some rather radical opinions. Despite this, he probably would make a good president and he is, after all, my friend. Should I vote for him, would you?

It depends what his opinions were, if, for example, he was keen on the idea of Goose love (a serious issue that you raised earlier) then I would support him (free love on the free love freeway), if he wanted to expel all the people with webbed fingers and toes then that's a different matter. Without the opportunity to question him properly on his views I wouldn't be able to decide for myself whether he'd be a good president or not, or whether he'd be better than any other candidate, so I would have to wait and see on that one.

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#1 Lauren Menzies
Fri, 14th Dec 2007 5:50pm

hhmm, a prospective YUSU president with 'radical opinions'... I wonder who that could be!?

#2 Anonymous
Sat, 15th Dec 2007 5:02am

Brilliant, brilliant questions! Love it.

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