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Wednesday, 18th January 2012

Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting York on Maundy Thursday, 5th April, as part of the 800th anniversary of York’s Charter for the traditional “Royal Maundy” ceremony.

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'Know your Sabb': President

YUSU Election
Monday, 25th February 2008
The Yorker kicks off its 'Know your Sabb' campaign by interviewing the Presidential candidates and showing you the real them!


Mad Cap'n Tom: Studying an MA in Educational Research, after a BA in Linguistics from York, has been interviewed on Newsround, Runs the British part of International Talk Like A Pirate Day and has released a charity single.

Nadz Kunwar: 3rd Year PPE, YUSU Ents, Eden's Court Rep (Derwent JCR) Derwent College Committee Rep, Derwent JCRC Ents Rep, Chair of Ents Committee, member of YUSU Senate and Exec.

Laura Payne: 2nd Year, YUSU Womens Officer, YUSU Welfare Committee, University Harrassment Committee MUN Officer, UNA Society, Member of YUSU Senate and Exec, Morocco Hitcher!

Mad Captain Tom
Mad Capt'n Tom

1. Give us one reason you're running (in less than 5 words)

MC: Th'university be needin' swashbucklin'.

NK: Passionate about this university and its students (sorry, that’s 7...)

LP: To represent York students.

2. The biggest mistake made (not by me) whilst I've been at Uni is....

MC: "Wetherspoons no longer be servin' Belgian waffles."

NK: "...the university deciding to demolish bridges that are important for the cohesion of campus."

LP: "...The portering crisis - there is absolutely no excuse for compromising on a service that ensures student's welfare and it was simply a case of bad management by the Uni."

3. Finish this sentence 'I think Hes East...'

MC: "Yarrrrrrr"

NK: "needs more student input."

LP: "is a mystery."


  • Sun or Snow: MC: Sun, NK: Snow, LP: Sun. Definitely Sun.
  • Butter or Marg: MC: Butter NK: Marg, LP: Butter
  • Apple or Orange: MC: Orange (it be preventin' scurvy) NK: Orange, LP: Oranges (they remind me of the sun)
  • Obama or Clinton: MC: Obama, NK: Obama, LP: Me! Haha!
  • Toffs or Gallery: MC: Toffs, NK: Gallery, LP: Gallery
  • Stilton or Cheddar: MC: Cheddar, NK: Cheddar, LP: Stilton - I'm used to food looking mouldy!
  • Football or rugby: MC: Football, NK: Football, LP: Rugby - they let you drink beer in the stands!

Nadz Kunwar
Nadz Kunwar

4. Why should students vote for you?

MC: "I be addin' the excitement an' adventure that student politics be needin'. I be genuinely competent an' enthusiastic. I once be gettin' five gold runs on Blockbusters."

NK: "Because I represent a break from the old guard. I resent a Union that is increasingly seen as a clique and unrepresentative of student views and concerns. I believe my approachability, my professionalism and my experience (within JCRCs and YUSU) will offer a change of direction for YUSU. As an Ents Officer, I have a reputation of cutting through the crap and getting things done and I think this is exactly what is desperately needed at the SU.

LP: "Because I will fight for York students on the issues that matter to us - our bridges, our bars and our buses. I will also take YUSU out of the office and bring it into the colleges - so get ready to see a lot more of us!"

Laura Payne
Laura Payne

5. Whats your best quality:

MC: "Benevolence to me crew, an' keepin' calm under pressure."

NK: "Honesty and approachability"

LP: "I'm a pragmatist - it's all about the solutions!"

6. ...and your worst!:

MC: "Keelhaulin' folks who be askin' awkward questions."

NK: "Not always very politically correct..."

LP: "I'm really hyperactive and fidget a lot. Don't ever give me sugar."

7. Your first childhood memory is...

MC: "Huntin' fer treasure off the shores o' Port Royale."

NK:" ...crying at my 4th birthday party because I got my remote control car stuck under a door..."

LP: "My first childhood memory was wanting to be YUSU president at 4 years old!"

8. Finish this sentence 'Last night I...'

MC: "...had too much rum an' lost me parrot."

NK: "...went to Toffs dressed in full Arabic regalia for an "around the world" themed bar-crawl."

LP: "...was at The Charles, where I work."

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Showing 1 - 20 of 37 comments
#1 Anonymous
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 7:09pm

Well, at least, it's good to see all our candidates have a sense of humour!

#2 Anonymous
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 8:16pm


#3 Anonymous
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 9:03pm

Nadz has it IN THE BAG!

#4 Anonymous
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 9:44pm

Go nadz x

#5 Chris Northwood
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 10:19pm

I'm confused where all the love for Nadz is coming from... Nothing that he's said here certainly differentiates him from Laura on any real level (they've both basically given the same "Vote us because we'll do a good job and make sure we represent you in important issues!" speech).

#6 Matt Greenaway
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 10:37pm

Well, he's a director of The Yorker, so it's not surprising that the first people to read the article both happen to support Nadz and decide to post anonymously.

#7 Anonymous
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 10:41pm

I think you might be missing the simple joy of the pun that seems more likely to have spurred these commenters into action that any yorker based bias.

YUSU needs to get some balls: Go Nadz!

#8 Matt Greenaway
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 10:45pm

So I am...

If Laura uses 'No Payne, No Gain', then it'll at least be a good year for memorable catchphrases.

#9 Chris Northwood
Mon, 25th Feb 2008 11:42pm
  • hits head on keyboard*

The pun was so obvious, yet I completely missed it :(

#10 Anonymous
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 12:00am

The ignorance of Chris Northwood.

#11 Chris Northwood
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 12:03am

The cowardice of anonymity

#12 Myles Preston
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 12:53am


#13 Anonymous
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 1:44am

great questions though. Why does Laura say Hes East 'is a mystery'? YUSU President needs to know quite a lot about it I think.

#14 Anonymous
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 6:14am

Maybe people are saying "Go Nadz" because Nadz is the better candidate... Him and Laura have similar goals, but Nadz is much more in tune with students, and seems to actually have the 'Nadz' (sorry) so go through with his ideas....

Go Nadz!!!

Tue, 26th Feb 2008 6:23am

Hi #13!

I said Hes East is a mystery because I think it is to a lot of students, or at least that's what I've found when I've spoken to people about it! It's not really that much of a mystery to me personally, because being on the SU means I have had more involvement than most.

On that note, there is a Heslington East update with Brian Cantor this Wednesday at 5.15pm in P/X001. It doesn't seem to have been well advertised (draw your own conclusions why) so I say we all turn up and suprise him - won't he be pleased! : )

Laura Payne
Presidential hopeful x

#16 Anonymous
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 8:04am

Nadz: "As an Ents Officer, I have a reputation of cutting through the crap and getting things done"
maybe except for Battle of the Bands, I don't know, but things certainly weren't done that should've been!

#17 Anonymous
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 8:51am

As a person involved on multiple nights, BoB unfortunately did not go exactly according to plan behind the scenes from an organisational point of view. Important room bookings (which were promised) didn't happen and some people who were 'responsible persons' and 'in charge' scarpered pretty much as soon as the last note sounded. Unconvincing.

#18 Anonymous
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 12:47pm

Hmmm.....just been checking out the policies. Seems like Payne is the one serious candidate here.

Nadz seems to be hyping up 'media rights'. Hope that isn't anything to do with him being on the board of the Yorker. Think we need to know more about this. Who exactly is he running for??

#19 Anonymous
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 3:40pm

Payne "the only serious candidate" - you must be joking.

By her own admission she doesn't know what Hes. East is, probably because she was running around like a four year old after consuming one too many fruit pastilles.

#20 Anonymous
Tue, 26th Feb 2008 4:23pm
  • Tue, 26th Feb 2008 4:25pm - Edited by the author

I agree with #19, and also just because Nadeem is visible as being on the Board of The Yorker doesn't really change things. The reporting has been in no way biased towards on candidate. Also i know for a fact Kunwar has friends from other student media groups, who i'm sure would benefit at least as much, if not more from new media policies....

Also pointed out in the comments following an earlier story was the following listed in Laura Paynes interests of Facebook

""i always have lots of grandiose plans to do something really interesting, then never get around to it"

Doesn't that sound convincing???



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