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Photo Diary app wins York prize

Friday, 20th January 2012

A group of York students has won the opportunity to have their very own I-phone application developed after winning The App Challenge final, held at the Ron Cooke Hub on Wednesday, January 18.


Students warned about loans scam

Thursday, 19th January 2012

YUSU Welfare officer Bob Hughes has warned students to be vigilant after a student loans phishing scam has been revealed.

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Queen Comes to York

Wednesday, 18th January 2012

Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting York on Maundy Thursday, 5th April, as part of the 800th anniversary of York’s Charter for the traditional “Royal Maundy” ceremony.

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Flooding Triggers Network Outage On Eve Of Exams

Saturday, 14th January 2012

A flood caused by a heating system “failure” forced the university IT services to shut down many essential systems on Sunday night, causing problems for many students on the eve of their exams and assignment due-dates.

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Full Candidate List

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Monday, 25th February 2008
The full candidate list of all Sabbatical Officers, Internal Affiliates, Officers and NUS Delegates.


Tom Scott

Laura Payne

Nadz Kunwar


Matt Burton

James E J Thompson

Nick Bradley


Alan Duffell

Charlie Leyland

Matthew Pallas


Jamie Tyler

Sarah Witts

Fran Olley


Alex Lacy

Jack Kennedy

Aimee Gamble

Chris Collinson

Max Coney


Matt Harris

Chaz Taylor

Rory Shanks


John Heritage & Chris Etheridge

Kate Evans & Emily Cousins

Lisa Clague & Laura Vitty

Tom Langrish & Michael Batula


Naomi Dodds & Ed Durkin


Sophie Harrison & Eilidh McIntosh


Sarah Fennell & Ben Humphrys


Nadia Aziz & John Apea

Iman Khabireh & Marat Omarov


No Candidates


John Nicholls & Joe Thwaites

Lena Jeha

Tom Barnes & Ed Morrison


Rhianna Kinchin & Collette Kerrigan


Alexander Fink

Helen Adams


Adam Wiles


Michael Wood

Laura Payne

Matthew Pallas

Andy Dixon

Matt Burton

David Levene

Sam Bayley

Tom Langrish

Voters may also choose to Re-open Nominations (RON) in all categories.

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#1 Richard Mitchell
Sat, 1st Mar 2008 9:26pm

If Taylor is so keen on democracy, why isn't he standing in any of the other uncontested positions? Or even the position that has no-one standing?

#2 Anonymous
Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 5:39am


Do you just go around making uninformed, unhelpful posts? I would imagine the reason Dan didn't decide to stand for any other posts because:

1) They're not sabbatical posts, so they're less important, and more likely to be taken up in a bye-election

2)With the exception of student action and training (both fairly specialised posts) HE'S NOT ELIGBLE TO STAND!!! As he is neither Female, Disabled, or LGBT (so I'm told)

If you've got something worthwhile to add, then say it, but otherwise just stop being rude and going after Dan. He decided to stand, fine , he withdrew, equally fine, either way, crack open a beer and talk to someone in real life rather than posting nasty comments.

#3 Anonymous
Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 5:57am

I wonder who posted the above comment...could it be a Mr Dan Coen?

#4 Richard Mitchell
Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 6:06am

Anonymous #2 - Do you have to criticise uninformed people so heavily, or could you just perhaps inform them of their errors in a pleasant way?

In response to your points:
1) I'm sure the people standing for these positions would argue that while they're perhaps less important, they're still crucial roles in YUSU.

2) I was not aware of the fact that candidates for these positions had to be female, disabled, etc. If so why should this be mandatory? Surely anyone should be eligible to stand... (I may be misinformed, but it was my intuition that anyone should be eligible.)

I wasn't deliberately or maliciously going after Dan Taylor (as you seem to be "going after" me), they were GENUINE and I believe, quite reasonable questions.

If democracy is so important to the lad, why should it only be important in the major, sabbatical roles?

#5 Anonymous
Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 2:03pm

Regardless of the rights and wrongs of it all:

"candidates for Women’s Officer and Women’s Committee must self-define as
women; candidates for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Officer must self-define as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans; candidates for Racial Equality Officer must be black by the National Union of Students definition and candidates for Disability Officer must self-define as being disabled"
(YUSU Constitution 5.9)

I'm sorry if I came across as rude, but I find it incredibly frustrating that people decide just to go ahead and criticize someone without first doing the tiniest amount of research (as you did here, and have done elsewhere).

Clearly these comments are for voicing opinion, but at least spend two seconds thinking before hitting the 'submit' button.

#6 Richard Mitchell
Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 6:19pm

Wow, that is kind of limiting. Certainly something that should be challenged at some point in the future. The Minister of State for Immigration doesn't have to be an immigrant, neither does the someone representing disabled issues.

But then this is digressing from the subject at hand...

#7 Anonymous
Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 6:27pm

I agree Mitch, as it stands at the minute we will have no Disability Officer. Surely if the requirements were more broad, we could have someone. Wouldn't an able-bodied representative be better than none?

#8 Richard Mitchell
Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 6:38pm
  • Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 6:54pm - Edited by the author
  • Sun, 2nd Mar 2008 6:59pm - Edited by the author (less)

Anyone want to second a motion at a UGM?
I'll need a name and a university email address.

#9 Anonymous
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 2:23am

"Wouldn't an able-bodied representative be better than none?"

Why? The Disabilities officer is there to represent disabled students, and disabled students only, If no-one stands then sure that just means that none of those students feel the need for a representative right now?

Whilst your aims are admirable, those officers roles exist to protect and support the minority, not to appease the majority conscience.

I think deciding to stand if no disabled student thinks that having a dedicated officer is necessary is a bit patronising really. If/when disabled freshers arrive and feel that someone should take the position, they'll have the chance to stand in a bye-election. If not, then it would appear that York/YUSU do a pretty good job of helping disabled students

#10 Richard Mitchell
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 3:06am
  • "Why? The Disabilities officer is there to represent disabled students, and disabled students only, If no-one stands then sure that just means that none of those students feel the need for a representative right now?"

Perhaps some disabled students would stand but they are in their final year, don't have the time, or have any of a number of reasons not to. You can't just assume apathy just because no-one is standing.

#11 Anonymous
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 3:18am

I'm not assuming apathy at all, there is a difference between not caring what happens at all, and not minding if there isn't an officer.

My point is, that if no stakeholder feels its important enough to stand, then why do you, as someone with no stake in the process feel that you should.

If I was a disabled student and said I'm happy with no officer, or if I said that I've got more important things to do or worry about, then I'd find it a bit patronising for someone else to say that I'm wrong and that actually I do need help!

#12 Anonymous
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 3:26am

Go Nadz!!

#13 Chris Northwood
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 3:38am

I think the point Mitch is making is that there may (I stress the may, because there's no decisive proof one way or the other) be some disabled students out there who do think that specific representation on YUSU would be beneficial, but don't have the time to be able to commit to that particular role.

#14 Anonymous
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 3:57am

Payne for Prez!!

#15 Anonymous Coward
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 4:15am
  • Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 4:15am - Edited by the author
  • Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 4:20am - Edited by the author (less)


Thats a valid point, but I'm a big believer in the idea that there is no such thing as not enough time, only differing priorities. If you care about something enough, you'll do move other stuff so you can, as any other Society, JCRC, or YUSU Officer does.

#16 Richard Mitchell
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 4:22am

Well put Chris.

There is also the point that while disabled students may or may not feel like they need representation at the moment, the time may come when one of them needs the support of the Disability Officer.

I have no plans myself to stand for the role, although I am a great supporter of equality for the disabled and indeed my dissertation is to do with improving accessibility for the disabled, I am a final year student and wouldn't be able to with it being a non-sabbatical position.

However, someone who is passionate about equality for the disabled, who might not happen to be disabled themselves, should be given the opportunity to stand, should they wish.

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