23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

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Photo Diary app wins York prize

Friday, 20th January 2012

A group of York students has won the opportunity to have their very own I-phone application developed after winning The App Challenge final, held at the Ron Cooke Hub on Wednesday, January 18.


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Thursday, 19th January 2012

YUSU Welfare officer Bob Hughes has warned students to be vigilant after a student loans phishing scam has been revealed.

Her Most Gracious Majesty

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Wednesday, 18th January 2012

Her Majesty the Queen will be visiting York on Maundy Thursday, 5th April, as part of the 800th anniversary of York’s Charter for the traditional “Royal Maundy” ceremony.

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A flood caused by a heating system “failure” forced the university IT services to shut down many essential systems on Sunday night, causing problems for many students on the eve of their exams and assignment due-dates.

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'Know your Sabb': SDC

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Monday, 3rd March 2008
In the final installment of our 'Know your Sabb' campaign, we bring you the three candidates running for Student Development and Charities Officer.

The three candidates are Fran Olley, Jamie Tyler and Sarah Witts.

1. Relevant experience:

FO: 3rd year Maths with Education student, Student Action Theatre in Schools Co-ordinator, DramaSoc Technical Manager, Maths Society Secretary (06/07), YSIS volunteer, Head of Drama/Camp councillor at New York State Summer Camp Camp, voluntary youth group leader (2003-2005)

JT: "3rd Year Applied Social Science: Crime student, Derwent JCRC Chair 2007, Kids Camp group leader Summer ‘07 and volunteer Easter ‘07, Kids Club volunteer Big D Committee ‘06, Auctioned and waxed legs for Blagathon Student Action Romeo & Juliet play ‘06, Helped organise & took part in RAG speed dating in Derwent ‘07 Been on every RAG parade since being here [Capt Hook, Cruella De Ville, Penguin] Taken part in charity netball & dodgeball, Organised a charity day in 6th form raising £4,000."

SW: 4th year, French & Linguistics, Tenteleni Project Co-ordinator 2005, York University Co-ordinator 2006, PR & Fundraising Manager (nationally) since 2006., Oxfam bookshop volunteer. President of French Soc, James college netball & badminton captain & University badminton teams.

2. Why are you running (in five words)

FO: "To make a difference (and see it)"

JT: "To increase awareness of opportunities"

SW: "I'm passionate about student volunteering"

3. The thing that has angered me most about Uni politics whilst at Uni is...

FO: "that people think that a motion that calls for lobbying the University to graduate in the Minster will automatically mean that we WILL graduate in the Minster! It's not going to happen!!"

JT: "The amount of time it takes people to make a decision and the amount of effort it takes to make the smallest of changes."

SW: "how other people don't get angry: general apathy."

4. I think the best thing about Uni is....

FO: ".... the time and space it give for making a difference to other people's lives. And the fact you can wear hoodies without being called a chav!"

JT: "The spirit and community of campus"

SW: "the wide range of enriching opportunities available. Nowhere else can you have such a diverse set of experiences."

5. The best charitable experience I've ever had is....

FO: ".... setting up and running my village youth group for two years. The kids were amazing and we had such a fantastic time together. I miss them all a hell of a lot."

JT: "the RAG parade, loads of fun and raises lots of money."

SW: "Doing a speech in Swahili at the end of my 3month stay in a rural Zanzibari village, to say thank you to the community for their welcome."


RAG/Student Action FO: Student Action JT: Student Action SW: Student Action

Chocolate/sweets FO: Chocolate JT: Sweets SW: chocolate

Starbucks/Cafe Nero FO: Cafe Nero JT: Starbucks SW: Cafe Nero

Topshop/Man or Miss Selfridge/Burtons (dependant on sex!) FO: Neither really, but if I had to, Topshop. JT: Topman SW: Topshop

CSI Miami/NY/Las Vegas FO: I have never really got into CSI.... JT: Never Seen! SW: don't have a clue...NY maybe?

Goodricke/Vanbrugh: FO: Vanbrugh. JT: Derwent! SW: Goodricke

5. My favourite person is.....

FO: "My grandfather is a pretty cool person."

JT: "..Ron Weir"

SW: "..my Mum"

6. My most embarassing memory is....

FO: "I don't tend to get embarrassed that easily. And when I do, it's not the sort of thing that I would want splashed all over The Yorker!"

JT: "The first time I got drunk, we won’t go into that…"

SW: "having to make funny noises at the Shambles comedy event on Monday night."

7. My favourite ice-cream is...

FO: "Carte D'or Spagnola"

JT: "Strawberry Cheesecake Carte D’or."

SW: "Thorntons dark chocolate and orange."

8. I spent last night...

FO: "at Hustings: scary, but a wicked experience!"

JT: "at the fusion after show party."

SW: "at Hustings!"

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#2 Anonymous
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 4:35am

Go Fran!

#3 Ryan Bennett
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 5:34am

Jamie has got all the experience and policies to make his year as SDC officer really successful, and lots of fun for everyone involved along the way!

#4 Oliver Lester
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 8:27am

Jamie is simply the best!

#5 Anonymous
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 9:26am

Witts has superb experience and should be your choice for Student Development and Charities.

#6 Anonymous
Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 4:48pm

Fran - you completely have my support - you seem to have experience that involves using your own initiative, not having to be under an organisation, so we know that you'll get stuff done, and done well.
We in Derwent are all really looking forward to you being elected! Here's to a great year.

Mon, 3rd Mar 2008 11:47pm

Serious question: For what makes people angry? ""how other people don't get angry: general apathy.""

Isn't that a symptom of instutional failure rather than a cause?

I mean if 8,500 out of 10,000 students don't vote on the last 'unprecidented' UGM surely they arn't just lazy? I mean we are all intellgient people arn't we as we are all at a top 20 (or whatever it is now) University.

#8 Richard Mitchell
Tue, 4th Mar 2008 12:09am

I'd say it's mainly apathy (laziness), or not feeling well-informed enough to make a reasonable decision on an issue.

It's ridiculously easy to vote on any issue via the website, so that's not an excuse. Perhaps people don't know they can vote via the web? I've gotta say, for most of my time at York, I really couldn't have cared less who was running things or how they were doing it.

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