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Langwith JCRC elections 10/11

Thursday, 2nd December 2010
It’s that time of year again, so voting has opened for this year’s students hoping to win a place in Langwith's 2010/2011 JCRC.

This year the role of chair has three contestants- Cem Turhan, Andy Green, and Tom Bourne. The Yorker caught up with Bourne, Turhan and Green to find out why they each believe they are the best candidate for the job.

The Yorker: Why did you choose to run for this role?

Bourne: I chose to run for the role of Chair because I feel that I can make a difference to the College for the better. After spending a year on the JCRC I've seen what works well and what needs to be changed. After hearing that Langwith would be moving to Heslington East in 2012, I decided that now was the time to step up to the challenge and ensure that Langwith wasn't left with inadequate facilities. I also want to make sure that attention isn't entirely focused on the move and that current Langwith students aren't left without adequate provisions over the next year.

Turhan: I chose to run for this role because I love Langwith and want to give back to it what it's given me in the past 15 months.

Green The main reason for me running for the position of chair is wanting to carry on the high standard of welfare that is promoted by Langwith, create campus wide events like L-Fest in Langwith and secure welfare funding. College spirt in Langwith cannot be beaten on campus and being able to help to promote Langwith is an opportunity that i cannot afford to lose.

The Yorker: What attributes can you bring to this role?

Bourne: Over the past year I have brought both ingenuity and fresh ideas to Langwith's JCRC and if elected as Chair I propose to continue in the same manner. I always look at things from all of the available different points of view and will always be ready to listen to any Langwith students suggestions and ideas. I'll also ensure that I fight to provide Langwith with everything they need and will never be afraid to voice the College's opinion at a University wide level.

Turhan I'm a confident person, who knows many people on campus which will help when working with other people. I'm also extremely hardworking and the only person who's welfare trained out of everyone who is running for positions. I think having a strong welfare scheme is an important part of the backbone of any college, in order to provide support for those most in need.

Green Being on the current jcrc as a bar rep, i have gained a wide experience in promoting, organising and running events. Over the last year Langwith has gained a reputation for running popular events, and with me as Chair i could bring this event expertise to the committee.

The Yorker: If you are elected what do you hope to achieve?

Bourne: If elected I wish to ensure that Heslington East campus has both a bar and a shop by the time Langwith moves there (October 2012) as well as introducing an annual blow-out event that puts Langwith up there on the campus-wide events calendar with Derwent and Goodricke. I also plan on improving communication within the college so that no member is left in the dark over what plans Langwith has throughout the year. This would include redeveloping Langwith Online into a platform that can be used by any Langwith student to communicate with other Langwith students. I also want to make sure that all of our social spaces are available to all of our students as well as improve our welfare provisions by ensuring that welfare such as sexual health supplies are available to every student 24/7.

Turhan: My ultimate aim is to make everyone happy, so with regular block runs and chair 'surgeries' people will be able to tell me anything they want. I also want to improve the welfare structure, by welfare training the majority of the jcrc and all head stycs. I'd also propose more money goes into welfare events and sports welfare such as for equipment and sports training sessions to improve Langwith college team sports. I want to turn the upper JCR into more of a common room by having weekly free film and food nights. I have also proposed an event named 'XXXL' which would run across three terms, in the first being 'XL', the second 'XXL' and the third 'XXXL', which will culminate in a huge event with a big headline act. I'd hope for this brand to grow over time and secure Langwith some well deserved credibility so that when we move to Heslington East in two years, we have made a name for ourselves. Also the move to Heslington East is really important as at the minute there is no shop, no bar, and not even a cash point. I have spoken in great deal with Pro-Vice Chancellor Elizabeth Heaps and I know there is planning for a bar, but I as a chair will push for this so that they don't just remain plans, but come to fruition.

Green The biggest issue Langwith is going to face over the next couple of years is the move to Heslington east. There is the issue of bar and shops, and the fact that a smooth transition is needed for the move. I want to give the current Langwith population ideas of want they want in the new Langwith. I also want to change the way the committee makes decisions on big ideas. I want online voting for issues on events, where money is spent and want they want to see from the JCRC. Langwith is the smallest college. But there is no need for us to have a small voice. I want Langwith to have a say in everything that goes on in the university. I want to change peoples' perception of us.

Vice Chair candidates Rachel Elgar and Agata Lach also told the Yorker why each of them is the best candidate for the job.

The Yorker: Why did you chose to run for this role?

Elgar: I ran for Vice Chair because I've really enjoyed being on the committee this past year and I still feel like I have a lot to give to Langwith. In such a small college it's a fantastic way to feel really involved and to get to know loads of people.

Lach I really am enjoying my time here in Langwith and I thought I should get involved and make sure that the good work of the 2010 JCRC will not go to waste and that the next freshers will have as much fun as I do.

The Yorker: What attributes can you bring to the role?

Elgar: In terms of my attributes I'm organised, good at event planning, approachable, friendly, creative, and in love with Langwith. I'm welfare and ents-trained by YUSU which will help with either sub-committee that the Vice Chairs are required to chair.

Lach I think I'm really good when it comes to team-work so I chose a posiiton which I thought would suit me best. Vice-chairs have to make sure that all committee members do their work and that it is spread evenly between them. I also had axperience as class and year representative.

The Yorker: If you are elected what do you hope to achieve?

Elgar: My aims as a Vice Chair would be to work with bars/restaurants/clubs in town to reduce the price of Winter and Summer Balls, support the JCRC and its members, run a by-election as soon as possible to fill all the positions we have empty at the moment (especially important in welfare), ensure a Langwith voice in the new buildings over on Hes East, make sure there are more and better publicised non-alcoholic and sports events to aid block integration, and to continue the work that the committee have done this year.

Lach Before the start of elections I asked my friends if there is anything they are not content about. Most of them said that we do not have a decent Common Room as in other colleges. We do have the Courtyard, but it is crowded in the evening and it's really hard to find a place to sit. The upper common room is on the other hand too empty. I would like to make the upper Common Room a more sociable place with a pool table and other facilities. Another thing is to make sure that everybody knows about what's going on in Langwith. There are still lots of things I do not know about, even though I spent 8 weeks here already.

At press time Lucy Arnold and Amy Clark who are also in the running were unavailable for comment.

Running for secretary this year are Marinus Maris and Eleanor Smith, however Smith was unavailable for comment at time of going to press.

The Yorker: Why did you choose to run for this role?

Maris: I wanted to do my bit for the college, and it’s been an area I’ve been interested since I've been here.

The Yorker: What attributes can you bring to the role?

Maris: I've had experience of being a secretary at school, and therefore I know how to deal with administration. I was also a Head of House and Head of School before coming to York, so I also have good experience working in leadership roles, while at the same time part of a wider team.

The Yorker: If you are elected what do you hope to achieve?

Maris: One of my primary objectives if elected is to make the Langwith corner room available to any Langwithian without the requirement of a JCRC member being present. Secondly- I want to make minutes more available, either hard copies in the college or on facebook. Thirdly - 'THE FRESHERS APPROACH' - the JCR getting more involved with freshers throughout the year, asking them about issues really concerning them!

Voting closes this Friday, and the results will be announced on Tuesday 7th December at the Langwith Christmas Ball.

Chair: Cem Turhan, Andy Green, Tom Bourne

Vice-Chair (for 2 positions): Lucy Arnold, Amy Clark, Agatha Lach, Raz Elgar

Secretary: Marinus Maris, Eleanor Smith

Treasurer (uncontested): Matt Wilcox

Charities & Communities (uncontested): Lucia Linares, Disha Widge

Sponsorship: Tom Anderson & Sophie York, Will Hardie & Jennie Tophan

Sports: Jason Brandwood & Sarah Bartlett & Alice Thomson & Elliot Weatherall, Andy Hutt & Cassandra Brown & Craig Burnell & Erica Edmond

Newsletter: William Barnes & Katie O'Neill, Luke Gardner, Daniel Binnon & Joanna Child

ENTS (uncontested): Tom Banks, Timmy Seah, Bertie Baker-Smith, Lester Ang

Environment (uncontested): Wendy Quashie

Press/Publicity (uncontested): Rebekah Phiri, Grace O'Malley & Nina

Stock Bar (uncontested): Kieran Douglas, Rowan Austin, William Windsor, Alasdair Killin

Equipment (uncontested): James Stovold

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