23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

What is this?

The news archive contains a list of every single article published on The Yorker in chronological order.


Harriet Jean Evans
Harriet Jean Evans
Blogs and Comment Editor
Harriet joined the yorker as a fresher in autumn 2009. She held the deputy blog and comment editor position in Spring 2010, before going on to edit the section in the 2010 summer term.
Course Course: English Literature
E-Mail Address E-Mail: blogs@theyorker.co.uk


Viewing 1 - 10 of 12 articles

The Advent Calendar: Day 3

Blogs - That Girl from Derwent
Sun, 4th December 2011

That Girl from Derwent dwells on the value of religion this Christmas.

twitter logo

Tweet tweet

Thu, 20th May 2010

That Girl From Derwent decides to take a look at the world of "Twitter"

Ten Pound

With three teams out of the running, the battle continues for the £800 prize fund.

york entrepreneurs

The latest competition to emerge from York Entrepreneurs is "The Ten Pound Challenge" which spans four days of Week 7.

snog, marry avoid

Hannah Cann's thoughts on the BBC phenomenon, 'Snog, Marry, Avoid?'.

betty boop blue

The first installment of a series of blogs that will show the funny side to depression.



Mon, 14th December 2009

Hannah Pike has a few words to say about a certain journalistic tendency.

Derwent elections

That Girl on college politics, elections, and whether anyone actually knows who's running.



'The Pitch' - eliminations

Tue, 17th November 2009

After a challenging day, three teams were eliminated.

Viewing 1 - 10 of 12 articles