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It's Good to be Green

can recycling
College accomodation makes it easier to recycle cans
Sunday, 19th October 2008
It’s Week Three of Autumn Term. You’ve had Week One to get to know your way around campus and possibly get to know a little bit more about what your (and your housemates’) alcoholic limits are. In Week Two you recover and realise that there are actual classes to go to - disappointing I know. Week Three is of course, the week set aside in everyone’s calendar to learn about the ways to be green while you’re at university. Well, okay, it’s not – but it should be, so I’m going to give you a brief run-down of the top five reasons why it’s good to be green at York

Reason One: College and university wide recycling. In my first year, James College kitchens were havens of can recycling, mainly because there weren’t enough bins for all the rubbish we had and it was convenient to be able to drop stuff in a bag in the corner of the kitchen instead of finding a bin for it. That said, recycling isn’t just about having more space to put your rubbish – it’s also about reducing the amount of rubbish we make. Individual colleges have their own eco representatives, who’re available to answer any and all questions you might have about your recycling, and what you can put in the designated bins. Okay, possibly not all questions – please don’t email them questions like ‘Can I eat my recycling?’ and blame it on me.

Reason Two: Bike paths across campus. Our campus is - with the exception of a couple of stairs, paths, and the newly redecorated airport that is Langwith College - totally accessible by bike. In fact, speaking from personal experience, getting from a 2:15 in Alcuin to a 3:15 in Wentworth is a lot easier when you can get there by bike, and it’s especially handy when there are specific bike paths so that you don’t have to knock anyone over in the process. Always a bonus. More than that, York itself is better than most British cities for providing separate cycle paths. Win.

Reason Three: Environment and Ethics Officers on the YUSU executive. We’ve got two officers – John Nicholls and Joe Thwaites – and they’re here to represent you and any environmental concerns you’ve got, so that we can always keep the Student Union’s policies up to date. Last year’s officers managed to get a motion passed to make sure we have an environmentally sustainable new campus when Heslington East is finished, with enough recycling facilities and protection of the local area’s biodiversity. So, if you’ve got any worries about the environment and how campus life can make a difference, the Environment and Ethics Officers are the ones to talk to.

Reason Four: Societies protect the environment. As you’ll have discovered at the crazy convention of free pizza and endless flyers, there are plenty of societies on campus, and there are quite a few of them out there trying to protect our environment. York People and Planet, part of the national organisation, are one example, as is Unspun, an eco-friendly magazine. York University Conservation Volunteers are there, in their own words, to ‘get their hands dirty’, running eco-active days and doing their bit to help nature in and around campus. There are people planting trees, going on sponsored (and occasionally naked) bike rides through town, campaigning and making their voices heard all over campus – so, why not get involved?

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