23rd January
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Liberate yourself

All Work and No Play? Part 2

Thursday, 9th September 2010

In the concluding part of James Carney's thoughts on fresher living, he debates sex, flu and memories.


All Work and No Play? Part 1

Tuesday, 7th September 2010

In the first part of a two piece feature, James Carney discusses first year life, and the balance between work and everything in between.


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Uni students

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Thursday, 19th August 2010

University is a time for meeting people, those you will like and those you will dislike. Lizzy Pennock takes you through some stereotypes.

Fresher's things to bring

10 Things Freshers Must Do in York

York minster
York Minster
Saturday, 23rd October 2010
Written by Rebecca Pedley

I have just begun my second year at University, and I’m a little sad. It seems like the first year has flown by, with lots of fun, frills, trials and tribulations. This was heightened by Fresher’s Week and seeing my STYClets/ children having fun. By reflecting back, I thought I should highlight the top ten places or things you have to do, for those freshers who are going to embark on the same interesting journey that I had. I have limited the number of bars and clubs because as a fresher you will inevitably go out at least once and have probably experienced most clubs now that Fresher’s Week is over.

1. Ziggy’s

To describe Ziggy’s is pretty much impossible, but I will try and enlighten readers. It’s a free club. Ziggy’s still incorporates the feel of the house that it used to be; if that is, the house that you used to live in has never been cleaned, had drinks thrown up the walls and left to dry, and dingy lighting. Yes it sounds disgusting. But - you have to go. The music upstairs is utmost cheese, whilst downstairs, in the basement, the DJ plays more contemporary-esque music. Drinks can be rather expensive so it is worth paying a visit to Nags Head for drinks beforehand.

2. York City Wall

If you have a free day, and the weather is nice, take a walk along the city wall. It may help you to navigate yourself, and is an interesting way to see the city sights and maybe learn some of its history, all with a great view.

3. Go to a lecture/ Morrison’s/ tutorial/ seminar in your pyjamas

You may laugh or you may be nodding your head because it’s not even week 3 and you have indeed done this, but at some point you will feel like getting dressed is way too much effort for an hour’s lecture. It is one to tick off ‘the list’.

4. Vintage shops

York’s few vintage shops are the place to visit for one-of-a-kind items, at a very reasonable price. Purple Haze, located on Walmgate, offers a lovely selection. You are sure to find your dream clothing there. Not that much further down the same street is Deep. This is a rather larger vintage shop and holds everything, for boys and for girls. Stacks of shoes, dresses, belts, jumpers. You will be in there for hours just trawling through the rails. If you hunt around the small cobbled streets you are sure to find a couple other vintage shops like Prestleys, that are well worth a look too.

5. York Minster

Yes I know it can be classed as educational and therefore boring, but you really should take a look and go inside the York Minster. It is pretty marvellous, and a great landmark for any freshers that get lost whilst in town.

6. Evil Eye

Located on Stonegate, this is the place to go for cocktails, a speciality hot chocolate or a roast dinner. The front looks like it’s just a shop, but if you wander through to the back, there is bar with sitting area, and a little patio outside as well. Upstairs there is a computer room and also a place with lounge sitting. The roast dinner is cheap. £5 for a children’s portion. You will want the children’s portion if you are a normal human being. The adult’s portion could feed two, and the Monster is exactly what it says. A monster. For a night out, try going there for one cocktail and see what you think. You are looking to pay about a £5 for a cocktail though. Reputed to be Johnny Depp’s favourite drinking haunt in York.

7. The Shambles

For those of you that don’t know the Shambles, it’s a street. A little cobbled old fashioned street with some gorgeous secret shops. Homemade chocolate, fudge, bakeries, definitely worth a wander down. Also home to the infamous £1 sandwich shop.

8. Betty’s Tea Room

Betty’s is expensive. I will tell you that straight off, but you have to go and have tea there at least once. (Go with your parents when they come to visit and then you don’t have to pay!) Gorgeous food, but you have to get there relatively early because a queue builds up quickly.

9. Go out in another city

It is a must to do as a fresher. The train and bus links in York are pretty good, so it is worth taking advantage of it, and having at least one big night out in Leeds, Newcastle, even London or Edinburgh if you want to venture further. Join in one of the University’s organised events or organise it amongst yourselves. Usually the pre arranged events are about £15, and that gets you entry into clubs, the bus to and from the city, and perhaps even a t-shirt to help remember the night.

10. Gatehouse Coffee

Nestled in the interior of Walmgate bar, this cosy little coffee shop is actually within the York wall itself. Named one of the Independent’s 50 Best Coffee Shops, this peaceful little place has free Wi-fi, a delicious range of coffees, paninis and snacks. One of York’s best-kept secrets.

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