23rd January
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Photo Diary app wins York prize

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GSA Hustings

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Friday, 30th October 2009
GSA Hustings

21:11 And we're done! Keep checking The Yorker over the next few days for further coverage of the GSA elections... hopefully with less trouble than last year!

21:10 Big round of applause for the two candidates!

21:10 Alistair, Supportive, Approachable, Productive

21:09 Rui, International, Passion, we missed the last one...

21:09 Question: In three words describe what you would like the GSA to be?

21:08 For Rui he believes that he thinks that the challenge will be good and hope his experience of running before will help him

21:07 He also believes he has a very professional approach and has worked for two years which has given him valuable experience.

21:06 Alistair promises he will not wear the cape he is currently sporting...

21:05 How will you make sure people take you seriously? For Alistair your new to York and young how will you manage?

21:04 Rui answers: Most postgrads are masters students and for most this is their first time in York. Knowledge of the GSA should be availiable from the minute they get here.

21:02 Alistair: Right now things are looking up! It might be unrealistic to get everyone to be involved, but next year we would like all students to know what the GSA is and how it is structured.

21:01 Next Question: Do you feel there is apathy towards the GSA? How can you encourage involvement?

20:59 Rui defends the absentees, arguing that Halloween is a factor. He suggests that events such as Hustings need to have a more appropiate time to improve attendance.

20:59 Alistair answers that he feels that Grad students don't have a lot of free time and need to find out what people want from the GSA...

20:58 Question from the floor: How would you get more graduate students involved as I don't think they are all here tonight!

20:57 This just in: Nouse are here after all; they just decided against taking the table the GSA reserved for them. Maybe they didn't want to sit next to us?

20:57 Point made to Rui regarding his application form he is corrected there are not more international students.

20:56 Ended with "even if you don't vote for me, vote anyway as its very important!"

20:55 Believes the GSA needs a surgery where people are avaliable to discuss any issues students may have

20:55 A note on Rui Huang - he was one of the candidates disqualified this time last year for breaching election rules.

20:55 He also has experience as a course rep, President of an undergraduate law society, been involved in numerous committees in various positions

20:54 Wants to run because he really believes in the importance of having a GSA for students as it encourages them to get involved.

20:53 Next up is Alistair Clark also running for President, a first year MA student studying in the school of PEP

20:52 Rui Huang is up. He claims that there are 'gaps' in Wentworth more than other colleges, that could be filled with a publication and more involvement from the GSA.

20:50 The biggie! President.

20:48 The two candidates for President will be up "in roughly two minutes and 33 seconds".

20:47 He believes that the academic officer needs to be more accessible and not just contacted through emails.

20:45 He has been an academic representative at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He wants to set up a drop in clinic for academic issues.

20:45 A pirate has just entered the room. I'll say this... he's got nothing on Mad Cap'n Tom!

20:44 Academic Officer is up next. Keiran Alden is standing, this is his fourth university he says has "been round the block"

20:42 Tom: I had stress from work five years ago. I think you come out of that stronger. You learn that you have make sure that you have those structures, and you have to switch off. I have my friends. I've been through a negative experience myself. I can detect those pressures.

20:41 Heather: you need to put yourself in that position, which can be draining. The best thing is to remain professional and withdraw a bit.

20:40 Question: How would you cope with such an emotionally draining job?

20:40 Also, viewers poll: How useful is Nightline? Answers on a postcard. Or at the bottom of the page.

20:39 Apparently, Tom thinks that having a Women's Welfare Officer could be a good area for the GSA to invest money in.

20:38 When asked how they would handle a sensitive issue, Tom says that he understands the"sensitivities", Heather that she is rarely shocked.

20:35 Tom says: My weakness would be that I am quite easily frustrated by obtuse managers. Strength: strong networking skills.

20:33 Weakness: probably taking things to personally. I'd get quite emotionally involved sometimes I think.

20:33 Strength: prioritising issues; I'm doing loads of bits and bobs around uni. Also to be able to recognise when people have an issue.

20:32 Question: what would you describe as your greatest strength/weakness?

20:31 A couple of people from St. John Ambulance are here. As of yet, we don't know why...

20:31 Heather has worked in HR for three years, dealing with employees' family issues, stresses at work, and liasing with directors.

20:31 Heather wants to be Welfare Rep to help people who "feel a little bit lost, and don't quite know where to turn".

20:30 Heather Rowley up: Welfare Rep role contested.

20:29 He adds that he's a team player with the skills and commitment to be a good Welfare Officer.

20:29 He's an ex-trade-union rep. He says he's good at making it difficult for people to say no to him. A good skill to have.

20:28 He lists his experience, tells us he's a good listener and assures us he won't make promises he can't keep.

20:28 He seems to be of the opinion that the GSA needs to improve its welfare system. He asks "are they implementing their policies properly?"

20:27 Tom is running because he wants to do more at university. He also thinks he can bring something different to the role.

20:26 Heather Rowley and Tom Farnhill are up for Welfare Officer. Tom speaks first after winning "rock, paper scissors" at the third attempt.

20:24 After a vote to power on through rather than take a break, Welfare is up now.

20:24 Here here... SAVE DERWENT BAR!

20:24 Richard says that the bar should be open more days, and for any bar in town two nights a week is impracticle to keep going.

20:23 Answer: I have no desire to have control. If money is being spent illegally, or too much, I will say.

20:22 Question: In controlling the purse strings you will be able to control the agenda. Won't you? *audience gasps*

20:22 The bar's been pretty quiet as the focus tonight is on the candidates.

20:22 Answer: Well, I was acting President. I wont miss the workload, and it will be good to have a brand new team with fresh ideas.

20:22 Just bought a Coke from the bar. A guy dressed as Michelangelo and a girl dressed as a witch fought over serving me.

20:21 Question: Will you find it difficult stepping down from being President?

20:21 Answer: At the moment, not entirely. But I am learning!

20:21 Question: Are your accounting skills up to scratch?

20:21 beneficial for international students.

20:20 He wants to professionalise the accounts, and make sure they know exactly where money is going. He propses a SKYPE studio; which would be

20:19 He claims to have a "good knowledge" of Graduate issues. He "also kind of" has a good grasp of legalities.

20:19 Richard Rhodes is now up for Finance Officer. He started off being "just chair" for his college. He has been responsible for running events

20:18 The girls running for Events Officers are Lauren Sewell, Kelly Sinclair and Pip Rackstraw.

20:18 The girls say it's a good question, and mention the Night Bus.

20:17 A member of the audience asks how they'd help students get home safely after events.

20:17 After laughing, they reply "if you need us".

20:16 President Richard Rhodes asks: "You said cleaning up is important. Do you want to clean up tonight?"

20:16 Apparently, what the Ents Reps really want, is for people to "GET INVOLVED!". With big grins.

20:15 Question: "Would you like to see a Graduate Decorations Committee?" Answer: "Yes". They seem quite keen on the idea.

20:14 It seems that the three girls running jointly for this position all have previous experience running events. That's good to know.

20:13 They want to do more for students based off campus, and believe the limited opening hours of Edge can be problematic.

20:12 We have three students running for Events Officers! I'll get their names after they've finished their speech.

20:11 Dan asks James about nights out in Bradford. He jokingly replies "I don't know where that is".

20:10 Question: is there any point trying to integrate undergrads with postgrads? Answer: yeah... and integration happens anyway.

20:09 James suggests organising events to not clash with club nights. He claims that one event a week is enough for the Edge.

20:08 The audience member is now challenging how the bar will survive if James encourages more events in town.

20:07 A member of the audience has just asked about how the bar is being supported when off-campus students rarely support the bars.

20:06 'Shopping trips' has just been added to the list of proposed campaigns.

20:06 Answer: "The money!" James also stresses that he has a passion for music, and would hold more music events in the Edge and city centre.

20:04 Question: "What influences you to run for this position?"

20:03 Answer: "more events in town, and to more places in town."

20:03 He has a lot of spare time and it shouldn't be a problem. Another question: "How would you change Welcome Week?"

20:03 Services Officer is a paid position with ten hours worth of commitment. The question "how will you fit it in?" has been put to the candidate

20:02 James wants to improve graduate events, extending them to Sheffield and Leeds. He also wants to get more people involved in sports.

20:01 James Cousins is running for Services Officer; claiming to have been in "the real world" of work for a few years.

20:00 Seemal Asif is running for International Rep, but if arrives will not be available for interviews as she has not yet been briefed.

20:00 Her previous experience includes working as Minister of Female Students, and lots of volunteering.

19:58 Xin Zhang is up next. She's running for Communities, Charities and Volunteering Officer.

19:57 Would create online forums to enable people with families and those living far away to voice their concerns.

19:56 Answers yes if it really was an issue that graduates felt strongly about and there was enough support for it.

19:55 Asked: Would you be happy running a campaign for something like longer bar opening hours, which is not so caused base as recycling or welfare?

19:54 Had experience in an award winning recycling campaign as a child.

19:54 Next up is Caroline Fielding running for Campaigns Officer. She is new to York this year but keen to find out what matters to people...

19:52 Question about how would they work well together. Answer: It will be good as they need more girls on the teams!

19:51 Sports Officer? No one volunteers but the existing sports officer and his partner stand jointly! audience laughs.

19:49 Unsurprisingly, Matthew says he does. And assures us he sees no problems in working with whoever is elected as President.

19:49 Returning Officer Dan Horsfall asks Matthew if he believes he has the charisma the role requires, and can work well with the President.

19:47 He's also been looking over the new GSA constitution as "bed time reading".

19:47 Matthew Glover is running for Chair of Association Council. He tells us he has previous experience in several societies.

19:45 Her answer: "Would work with the student and disability services to resolve the problem".

19:45 A question has been put to Louise: "How would you help students receive disability allowance if they haven't received it?"

19:44 Louise is doing a course in Social Work, and wants to be able to listen to the views of students with disabillities.

19:42 Finally, Students with Disabilities has one candidate running.

19:42 The second speech of the evening is given by Hannah Boast, who's running for Gender Equality Rep. Hannah assures us that she has a vast experience in gender-related issues.

19:42 No-one for LGBT either.

19:41 Racial Equality Reps now. BUT no-one wants to stand!

19:40 Someone's phone just went off. Oh the shame.

19:39 No one for PGCE Rep either. A girl did stand up, but I think she's going to the toilet.

19:39 Next, Off-Campus Students Reps. Again, put to the floor. Again, no interest.

19:38 Any position not filled by next Friday will go to a by-election.

19:38 Man in mask? no? Not interested? Never mind.

19:37 The floor has now been opened for anyone who would like to run as Ordinary Member... Deathly silence...

19:37 Round of applause for Beth.

19:37 Beth has plenty of experience, and has also been at university for a very...long...time...

19:36 Beth Watts is up next, running for Post Graduates Who Teach rep. She is really here.

19:35 Next, on behalf of Natasha Kahn running for Students With Dependents rep, who could not be here. She is looking after her dependents.

19:34 Andrew Suggitt suggests his suitability for this role as a student who has been at York for SEVEN YEARS. The graduate world is tough.

19:33 To start, Dan is going to read out a speech from Andew Suggitt, running for Senate Rep.

19:31 And we're off

19:29 And apparently we're still waiting some more...I wonder why...

19:28 Senate Rep candidate Andrew Suggitt is also a no-show tonight, but host Dan Horsfall will be reading a speech on his behalf.

19:26 Going back to candidates, it seems as if the new constitution is proving to be challenge, with more than ten positions uncontested for.

19:24 One candidate, Seemal Asif, who is running for Academic Affairs and Overseas Officer has yet to show up. Fingers crossed she does.

19:20 There are 16 candidates running so far. The GSA is hoping that a few brave sparks in the audience decide to go for the uncontested positions

19:17 and Hustings is officially a go as Dan opens with a short speech...

19:15 We've taken advantage of our drinks vouchers... Rachel has wasted hers on a J2O.

19:13 Returning Officer Dan Horsfall has just informed us that Hustings will be starting in about ten minutes.

19:10 Ooooh pretty white slips to ask candidate questions. Anyone have a question in mind?

19:09 Right, getting down to business then. Tonight the candidates have the opportunity to tell us just why they want and should be elected.

19:07 BAR IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19:07 ooohhh, and the guy in the mask has got up suddenly and left the building...

19:07 I should note the man in the mask is V, or V For Vendetta fame. Personally, I think he's pretty cool. (Ben)

19:06 Let's also hope that us tech idiots don't screw up anything...

19:06 The Yorker guys are starting to squirm... Why is the guy in the mask sitting alone? In the corner? Can I have my free drink now please???

19:05 No sign of anyone from Nouse, Vision, URY or YSTV as of yet.

19:04 Which is particularly funny, seeing as skulls don't have eyes.

19:04 We're liking the decorations. Very well done. Check the skull with the eye patch stuffed into his eye...

18:59 And we've just been handed a token for FREE DRINKS!!! Get in. GSA, much love.

18:59 A man in a mask has appeared. He may be running for a position. He may make us do all sorts of nasty things to get out of here alive.

18:56 Hmm... There seems to be a better turnout than last year...

18:56 Five minutes until we kick off. Ben is desperately resisting the urge to play Football Manager 2010...

18:52 Yay more people are coming in, rather dressed up I might add for the Halloween after party

18:43 Deputy Editor Ben has just walked in.

18:41 So we're sat in Edge bar right now waiting for the exciting GSA Hustings...

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#1 Anonymous
Fri, 30th Oct 2009 8:49pm

Doesn't seem to be much going on! Is it less exciting than JCRC hustings?

#2 Rachel Basch
Fri, 30th Oct 2009 8:50pm

Well there was just a very good debate between the two candidates for welfare officer- both raised some important issues and responded really well to questioning!

#3 Anonymous
Fri, 30th Oct 2009 9:15pm

Well, it seems far more interesting than last year's, let's just hope that nobody tries to disqualify anybody this time.

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