23rd January
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Inside a Fresher’s suitcase

fancy dress
Friday, 25th September 2009
Honestly, how do you pack for a year at university? There is no set formula, no tried and tested method, just a need to do it as quickly as possible so you can begin your student life post haste. It is often the case that parents (Mum) are burdened with the stress and confusion of packing their cherubs off to university… although I’m sure they love it really. But just in case there are some keen York Freshers out there who want to ease the packing pressure and avoid a fashion faux-pas, this is for you.
  • Arrival clothes

More important than being enrolled on the right course at York. Ok, maybe not that important but still it’s worth spending a decent amount of time on your first ever fresher outfit. It goes without saying that that clothes are a way of expressing oneself, so considering you’ll be meeting new people who will essentially become your alternative ‘family’, wear your favourite ensemble which represents you as a person. Too deep? Then wear something casual, comfy and cool.

After all, moving in day will involve several trips back and forth from the car and for some of you unfortunate souls, an expedition up many flights of stairs. My moving in day was exactly this plus a walk down the longest corridor known to man (Derwent A block). So dress accordingly in comfy yet smart clobber because as night draws in, and the parents have left, an impromptu trip into town is likely to be on the cards.

  • Fancy Dress

Fresher’s week wouldn’t be fresher’s week without dressing up in silly costumes for no reason at all. Most of the colleges at York have a themed club night in which you can dare to wear whatever you want all in the name of fun. It is therefore an excellent idea to bring absolutely any fancy dress item you have lying around at home to Uni. Even if it only has the potential to be a fancy dress item, the chances are it will get used at some point for one event or another.

Quote York is a very small place and the campus even smaller so resist buying your entire wardrobe from Topshop unless you want to see identical ensembles across campus! Quote

Fancy dress nights can range from the unimaginative ‘slag and drag’ to the slightly more creative letter themed night, such as a ‘H’ themed party, which took place last year at Halifax college. My personal favourite ‘H’ was Hulk Hogan! The Planet Pop night at Vanbrugh is probably the last time you will ever have to don your school ties and uniform so don’t forget to pack them.

If you are like me and have had low doses of fancy dress nights before Uni and therefore have squat to bring then fear not, York itself has much to offer. Head down Walmgate, which is one of the main routes into town from campus, as it had a plethora of shops to tickle your fancy. It is home to several charity shops of a high standard, two vintage shops and other unique establishments. Head to Deep and Purple Haze on Walmgate and heading to Fossgate for quirky vintage items such as shows, bags, scarves, jumpers and 80s leggings. Perfect for a decade themed night such as 60s, 70s or 80s. These shops have so much to offer as they are relatively in expensive and ideal for picking up individual items for nights on the town.

York is a very small place and the campus even smaller so resist buying your entire student wardrobe from Topshop unless you want to see identical ensembles across campus. I would say that the best place to pick up fancy dress items and one off everyday items are York’s excellent charity shops - you won't be disappointed with the choice, nor will you feel guilty for spending that modest student loan.

I can guarantee there will be many fancy dress opportunities throughout the year whether it be college events, birthdays, Halloween or for no reason at all. With that in mind, bring anything remotely gimmicky or tacky with you to York for when the situation arises.

My final piece of advice would be to pack only the items you love to wear day in and day out, as we rarely dress up in our best for nights in tiny old York, although we do love to fancy dress ourselves stupid as often as possible throughout term time. You have be warned.

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#1 Amy Benziane
Fri, 25th Sep 2009 12:07pm

How the hell did that photo end up in the gallery?!

Dressed as the Spice Girls, can you tell? :(

#2 Selena Dhanak
Fri, 25th Sep 2009 1:17pm

I uploaded it for the article- as an example of fancy dress, ah, those were the days!

#3 Achim Wolf
Sun, 27th Sep 2009 5:38pm

Sue them Amy, sue them!

#4 Marie Thouaille
Sun, 27th Sep 2009 8:18pm

haha. I remember 90's D so clearly. Good times. I was "generic 90's school girl".

#5 Sami-Rose Sterjon
Tue, 29th Sep 2009 12:19pm

"We rarely dress up in our best for nights in tiny old York, although we do love to fancy dress ourselves stupid as often as possible"

I like to dress up a lot and I think a lot of other people do to. You just notice fancy dress people more, I think!

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