23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

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That Girl

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girl glasses

Hey, stupid.

Saturday, 16th April 2011

Working in an office is doing little for Roxy's patience.

Older man

Older and wiser

Sunday, 10th April 2011

Roxy's always had a thing for the older man...


Summer Fling

Monday, 4th April 2011

Roxy highlights her choice for the perfect guys to look for this summer.

The other woman...

The "other woman"

Friday, 18th March 2011

Roxy looks at whether the "other woman" is always in the wrong.

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Let’s Get Primal

Sun, 6th Mar 11
moody girl

Why so serious?

Sat, 26th Feb 11
I hate Valentine's Day

A single Valentine's

Mon, 14th Feb 11
I love me time

I love me

Sat, 29th Jan 11
red dress

How to get attention

Fri, 21st Jan 11
fun fair

The dating game

Sun, 16th Jan 11
Lonely snow

Lonely this Christmas

Fri, 24th Dec 10

Romantic Roma

Simply beautiful...
Wednesday, 12th January 2011
Christmas was over, and I was all packed and ready to settle back into York life, right? Wrong! I was off for a few days to the most beautiful and romantic city in the world, Rome. It was my brothers 21st, so he and I were spending it in style. We hopped on a plane and left a freezing England behind us, ready to relax and take in the gorgeous sites. I had high hopes and great plans for this extended weekend.

Everyone is a photographer in Rome. So much so that you can’t move a foot without tripping over someone sprawled out on the floor, trying to get the ‘perfect shot’. I love photography, and I love my huge SLR camera, but I didn’t take it. With that in mind, I realised that this is probably why these people were pissing me off so much. When it comes down to it, you don’t really need to be a good photographer, or have a good camera to get a good shot of Rome – the whole city is beautiful. And once I’d finally given in to the peer pressure, I took out my little Sony camera, ready to tackle the crowds of amateur photographers. I have to say, to my surprise, my photos look just as good as if I’d taken them with my SLR. With the added bonus of being able to shoot in sweeping panorama: meaning I could get the whole Colosseum, from the inside, in one shot.


In other areas, however, things were surprising in a less than amazing way. I’d always had a secret feeling of admiration for the Italians and it arose from their amazing ability to be the height of fashion at all times. Aware of this, I packed only my finest attire - house trousers were left firmly in my home. I was excited to see the different trends, colours, styles and pieces that were set to be massive in the fashion world in 2011. However, I was greatly disappointed. Everyone wore the same huge puffed up coats and scarves and boots. The colour palette ranged from black to, well, a tiny bit lighter black. And what made it worse was that the locals would shamelessly stare at me for my outfits. I was wearing red one day, and I got an abundance of filthy looks from the women. It made me defensive and annoyed, I felt that individuality has seeped out of the culture, and I was dying to get back to England where I could wear what I want, when I wanted. I never thought I’d say that.

Despite my self-acknowledged shopping addiction, I hadn’t planned on doing any shopping when I was in Italy; I thought Rome would be all about sightseeing and eating way too many carbs, but one day, my brother and I stumbled upon the most amazing sight there was to be seen in Rome. It was a street filled with shops such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Dolce and Gabbana. I was in my element. Sadly, being my brother’s birthday, any shopping that was to be done had to be for him. So instead, we spent a whole load of money on him. – but seeing him happy was definitely worth it.

No matter what else annoyed me, I could not deny that the sights were absolutely stunning, and definitely worth seeing. From the fountains, to the buildings, and the gardens it was all so beautiful. And what’s more, everything looks better at night; so if you’re going to see the sights, make sure you go twice, once in the daytime, for the photos and the details, and once at night for the beauty.

Now I’m ready for York.


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